To enter the runner races, they must be registered at Sapphire Hold. It's simple though, just read the rules and fill out the form. :)

Veiw the registered runners

  1. Your runner can be any runner. Meaning you can adopt them from anywhere, register them and then race. They don't have to be one of my own racing runners.

  2. The rider of the runner doesn't have to be the same as the owner. You can own several of them if you own a stable, but there must be a different jockey for each runner. 

  3. The runner must have a name. You can't enter an anonymous runner.

  4. The runners page must be up and running. I'm sorry, but I won't allow runners that don't have a page race. If you need help getting a page, you can ask us, and perhaps Julanna, the main trainer and owner of the Sapphire stables, will allow you to board your runner. (Although she may need some convincing)

  5. I reserve every right to not respond to a application in the case that it has been copied, the images were stolen, or it has R rated material. 

Racer Registration Form

Your name(owner's name)

Jock's name

Your email address

Your runner's name:

Where does your runner live? (URL)

Is your runner new to racing?

Do you have a comment/suggestion/question? Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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