Converted by Sarcastro for use with the Nightspawn RPG (All rights reserved and all that stuff) based on ideas in Marvel Comics (All characters mentioned belong to them too). I hope neither sues me because I'm just a stupid fanboy who's doing this for fun.

The Black Envelope and the Demogorge

Background: The black envelope and the manuscript inside are an ancient amalgam of powerful magic and dark force. It was developed during the middle ages by a powerful cult that was determined to rid the world of evil. A volunteer then subjected himself to experimentation and read the text of the paper and was promptly endowed with it's power. Unfortunately the demogorge, as it was called, was an all too effective creation. It promptly smelled the stench of the supernatural in the sorcerers and proceeded to slaughter every last one of them. It then went on a rampage across the continent killing several dozen supernatural beings in the process. It was only able to be stopped by the combined efforts of several Nightspawn, sorcerers, and other powerful beings.

That was my attempt at a background. But it is just one more rumor floating about on the 21st century earth of Nightspawn. The real origins of the Demogorge are explained by Modred...

"We face our greatest challenge yet--a Demogorge!

Eons ago the first Demogorge devoured nearly all the elder gods, ending their evil reign. But Chthon escaped! And learned from its mistakes. It crafted a spell to create its own Demogorge--a supernatural doomsday clause inscribed in the Darkhold so that should another Demogorge arise, it would be at Chthon's behest!

Woe to us all, for that clause has now been activated and the Demogorge will not stop until everything supernatural is consumed!

Anyone who dares opens the envelope and reads the script on the parchment will find himself transformed. Anyone and thing is susceptible to the power of the envelope. A save versus magic must be made to anyone who reads it. Normal humans require an 18 or higher, men of magic and psionics a 16 or higher, supernatural creatures a 14 or higher and greater supernatural creatures a 12 or higher. If the save is failed the creature is taken over by the dark forces contained in the envelope and becomes the Demogorge. However, if the recipient of the power is one who possesses a natural hatred of the supernatural he/she will not be required to make a save since they are embracing the darkness and are accepting it's touch.

At first the recepient is granted the following abilities:

-plus 10 to strength and it becomes supernatural (if not already)

-plus 5 to endurance and it becomes supernatural (if not already)

-plus 2 to all other attributes (Except PB and MA)

-an undeniable urge to destroy any and every supernatural being the demogorge comes across (this includes, but is not limited to, Guardians, Nightspawn, mages, mystics, Demons, Vampires, Wampyres, the Nightlords and their minions, and psychics)

While at first the Demogorge does not seem that powerful but that soon starts to change. With every supernatural victim the Demogorge kills he absorbs their essence. They are magically contained within him. To those contained within it is like being in a sea of darkness often giving way to dreams and hallucinations.

To avoid having one's essence completely assimilated by the demogorge they must make a save versus magic.

-Lesser supernatural creatures, mages, and psychics need a 14 or higher.

-Greater supernatural creatures need a 10 or higher.

If this save is failed then the creature's essence is destroyed and is effectively killed. The difference between the saving roll and the required saving roll equals the number of days the character can survive within the abyss. Upon completion of those days they must make a new roll to avoid destruction.

Gaining power With every supernatural creature killed the Demogorge gains the following:

-1/4 of the person's SDC

-1/4 of the person's ISP

-1/4 of the person's PPE

-For every above average attribute that person had the Demogorge gains plus 1 to that attribute. The Demogorge may only gain bonuses in two attributes per person killed. If the creature only had one above average attribute then The Demogorge would only get one.(Ex: The Demogorge kills Bob the mage. Bob was only somewhat proficient in dexterity with a PP of 20. The Demogorge gains +1 to his PP.)

-The Demogorge also gains all powers that his victim possessed. This includes but again is not limited to, Nightspawn talents, psionic powers, spells, other natural abilities. The Demogorge also gains any limitations that goes along with that particular power while utilizing it.

-All skills possessed by the deceased are now the demogorge's at the same percentiles. For every additional creature it possesses it gains any new skill at that percentile and +2% to any existing skill it already has. (Bob had swimming at 34% so the demogorge gains that skill at 34% he then kills Joe Psychic who had swimming at 64% but since the demogorge already has it his swimming skill changes to 36% but Joe did have prowl at 20% since the demogorge does not have that skill it gains it at 20% from destroying Joe.)

-When utilizing the powers the Demogorge has stolen it requires one melee action to switch it's energies from one power to the next. (For example, the Demogorge has been shooting shadow blasts at a rival, but he wishes to utilize the shape shifting abilities of a changeling. So he uses up ONE melee action changing his energies. Upon his next action he may use any abilities he gained from killing this changeling but none he got from that nightspawn. To do that would require another melee action to switch back.)

-Depending on the form he is currently utilizing the Demogorge takes on certain physical traits of that victim. (Such as pointed ears, different colored eyes, sharper teeth, etc.) As the number of victims increase these traits will start to mash together to create a truly monstrous sight. (Adjust Horror factor accordingly)

-The Demogorge is not a stupid raving beast and will use strategy and tactics in order to fulfill its' mission. It's obvious lack of discretion towards secrecy is not much of a fault when you consider it can rip your head off. But if there's a chance of it's destruction or it is seriously outnumbered he or she will make a tactical retreat and come back another day.

-Killing the posesser of the Demogorge will cause it to abandon the body and flee back to the Black Envelope. Any beings who were posessed and not yet destroyed will reappear within a 20 foot radius of the spot where the creature was killed. A little groggy and with possible mental problems but other than that none the worse for wear.

-There is a slight chance that the being(s) possessed can be freed, but only by certain powers, rituals and energies and even then its up to chance. (I basically leave this part open to the GM. Ghost Rider in the final battle with the creature was killed and as the Demogorge went through the new powers he gained he came upon Penance Stare and effectively used it on himself he saw the numerous lives he'd taken and the terrible mental strain drove the Demogorge from the body.)

Actually, now that I have nearly all the issues from this storyline, this isn't exactly how it happened. Blade was stricken with incredible pain from absorbing Ghost Rider's penance stare which gave Louise the opportunity to learn the counter-spell from the Darkhold.

"The ancients thought that scattering its indestructible pages would end the evil...end the atrocities authored by the evil elder god Chthon. But now someone is delivering those pages into unsuspecting hands, bringing a terrible curse to each doomed soul that uses them. Now the struggle begins to redeem the pages - before it's too late! Stan Lee presents...Darkhold."

Taken from the introduction to Darkhold #11.

Adventure hooks: I see a lot of potential for use of the Demogorge and the Black Envelope. A character who accidentally or out of curiousity reads the contents finds himself transformed and his friends have to save him without killing him. Or they'll be forced to kill their own friend.

Or the Demogorge can work in the background of a campaign as the PC's hear rumors and street talk about the creature. Random encounters and battles occur until a final showdown. If I recall correctly Blade, vampire slayer, was the one who became the Demogorge in the comics and Ghost Rider and friends were forced to try and figure out how to save him without killing him. Meanwhile Blade was taking out many of their close friends and enemies including Modred, Victoria Montesi, Hannibal King,Demogoblin, Morbius, Johnny Blaze, Werewolf by Night, among several others.

Wanna read the issues that inspired this creation?

Nightstalkers #10 Part 1
Ghost Rider #40 Part 2
Darkhold #11 Part 3
Morbius #12 Part 4
Spirits of Vengeance #13 Part 5

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