UnderDog Militia

There is a war going on today between the Nobiliy and the Genius born in poverty.
Nobility defined is anyone who has control and or influence over capital through circumstance of birth.
In a free market capitalist economic system capital generally flows toward the individual who makes the most productive use of it. Thus capitalism is fair. Wealth is held by those who earned it, while those who manage it foolishly will soon find their capital slipping from their hands toward those able and willing to use capital for a more productive purpose.
Those who inherit capital (i. e. the Nobility) recognize the competition they face from the common laborer who possesses a higher cognitive ability. The nobility fears poverty. They would rather start a war than labor for their existance like the vast majority of the human race continues to do to this day.
Most wars in modern history are the result of the nobility attempting to hold on to their unearned capital.

If you think the above is an argument for abolishing inheritance than you are in error.

Someone who earns something through their own labor has the right to do what they please with it. This includes giving it to their children if they so chose. Besides, there are enough instances where individuals use their inherited capital for productive purposes. Theft is theft regardless of how you do it. We can't solve the nobility problem by becoming thieves like they are.
The nobility will talk about divine right and genetic betterness. But it is all bullshit.
The war for independence from the king of England in the late 1770's did more damage to the nobility than anything in modern history. To stop the enlightenment of the masses the nobility created a political system called socialism in the mid 1800's. Eventually socialism was sucsessful everywhere in the world in fooling the masses into giving power to a fictional entity created by the nobility.

This entity, the "state" is said to protect the interests of the masses but in reality the opposite is true.

Man must register as sex offender



National Defense

This site last updated July 8, 2005.
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Underdogmilitia report
Underdog militia
UnderDog Militia Commander Mr Sardonicous
Email: sardonicous@yahoo.com