'Music should be felt and experienced. Music satisfies the soul. It can be appreciated without knowing it'

Amjad Ali Khan

MUSIC-Celebration of life

I cannot remember a particular day that I was initiated into the world of music. It was a part of me from as early as I can remember. Indeed, I can not think of a moment when
music has been separated from my life. My father, the
legendary Sarod maestro, Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan Saheb of
Gwalior lived for Music. Today, a wise man does not allow his son to become a classical musician, because of the uncertainty and insecurity of a livelihood. That is why in the past, only sufi saints and faqirs could dedicate their lives to music or to God. For my father, though, there was no question of a life outside music. Life itself was a Music. And Music was Life. And so I came to inherit from him the legacy of five generations of musicians as naturally as a bird taking to the air.
What is music? There may be any number of scientific
explanations about pitch and vibrations but it is difficult
to explain how 'sound' becomes 'music'. It has more to do with human nature. Music is a unique and precious gift of
God to mankind. Music is a celebration of life. The
wonderful truth is any music, from anywhere in the world is
based on the same seven, beautiful musical notes;
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni
or Do Re Me Fa So La Ti
These seven notes are the 'alphabet' of a universal
'language'. Of the seven notes, the first and the fifth are fixed while the remaining notes have sharps and flats,making a total of 12 notes. Music has been in practice for at least 5000 years, yet we have not been able to discover a 13th note!

Musicians and listeners of music have been communicating
with each other across all barriers through this 'language'from time immemorial. As we use flowers in worship,welcoming, honouring, departure, and celebration no matter what our race, origin, religion or language, we similarly arrange musical notes into 'bouquets' or compositions which
display all our human feelings and emotions.

Musical vibrations can convey moods and emotions and have
the ability to mould and shape our consciousness. Different types of music can have different effects on the mind-both positive and negative. Our mind is like any living organism. It must be nurtured and needs stimulation to develop and grow. Music is one of the most important 'food'
for the intellect. Each musical note is connected to this most important part of our minds.

Music has many faces. Conversation, recitation, chanting and singing are all part of music. Music can be either vocal or instrumental. Vocal music appeals to most of us because of its poetical or lyrical content.

Instrumental music on the other hand, such as what I play on the Sarod, is pure sound. It needs to experience and felt. Since there
are no lyrics, there is no language barrier between the
performer and the listener, and that is why instrumental
music transcends all barriers.

A wonderful and strange mystery of Indian classical music is the fact that one can spend a lifetime trying to attain knowledge and perfection and still feel that one has only touched a mere drop of an ocean. Along the Journey of searching and discovering, the learning never stops. Its
understanding changes with every year a musician lives.
This is true Sadhana. Some of the greatest sadhaks in
Indian classical music were Swami Haridas, Swami Tyagaraja,Swami Muttuswamy Dikshitar, Swami Shyama Shastri, Purandara
Dasa, Swati Tirunal, Baiju Bawra and Miyan Tansen (from
where my family gets its musical lineage). They are
responsible for the solid foundation of the art in both
north and south India.

Classical music has basically two traditions. Western
classical and Indian classical music. Indian classical music is a result of a refinement of folk music and developed into its highly sophisticated form over more than 5000 years. As the name suggests, Classical music
represents the concentrated essence of Indian Music in its
richest forms. India has two classical traditions. The
North Indian and South Indian.

There is an old saying Swara hi Eshwar hai. In every
culture, Music has its roots in spirituality. Music has
always been an internal part of worship of God. That is why
hymns, carols, bhajans, shabads, kirtans etc. are all forms of prayer. Through music we can convey our innermost feelings. From childhood it has been my aim to be able to sing through my instruments, whether it is Dhrupad, Khayal, Thumri or folk. When I'm performing, in search of perfection and excellence with eyes closed, I feel connected to a cosmic power from where I receive the
messages which my audiences experience. When I am able to
get across to my audience; when I can get them involved, I find that my listeners always give me the inspiration to create that special atmosphere, the ambience where music,
the musician and the audience become One.

Music is essential for mind and body. Pure music like
Sarod, violin etc. listened to with concentration restores
the subtle mental imbalances that crop in todays modern
lifestyle. People today need more than ever to cope with
tensions, distress, depression and struggle to find peace and relaxation. Sound pollution is also a daily hazard.Music helps to retune ones system. That is why eminent doctors and psychologists are prescribing certain type of music as a form of therapy and treatment for stress disorders. Noisy music on the other hand can be damaging to human mind and body. Music, like Sarod, needs to be heard at moderate volume and with concentration to avail of its positive effects.

A great deal of importance is given to tradition in Indian
classical music. In fact, tradition and spirituality are
the backbone of classical music. Whether in the form of the teaching system or the structure of ragas and talas. Great musicians or Gurus have been likened to pujaris or priests who perform upasana. That is why we touch their feet. It is not an act of subservience but an elevating and liberating action. It is a unique custom that truly belongs only to our culture. It is understandable to adopt or adapt to a modern way of life and merely seek to achieve technical
virtuosity but this does not mean that we forget the most
essential values of our tradition and culture.

In western classical music, a composer scores a composition
which is read and sung or played by the vocalists or
musicians. In the Indian classical system, there is no
written or scored music. It would be extremely difficult to record and subsequently interpret the subtle nuances on paper. We therefore follow an 'oral' tradition. Music and
musicality is passed on from Guru to Shishya directly
through the Guru-Shishya Parampara. In this manner, music has been handed down from generation to generation. For musicians, classical music thus becomes a way of life. Music is the greatest wealth that I inherited from my
forefathers. One that I am constantly sharing with my
disciples. It was a great moment in my wife's Subhalakshmi
and my life when my two sons, representing the seventh
generation of musicians in my family, began to play Sarod.
Considering today's distractions and musical pollution, if Amaan and Ayaan are playing today it only shows the wish of
God that this tradition should be carried forward.
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Name: Saurabh Sharma