Join The Sasquatch Militia!

Interested in joining the premier hominoid fighting force in the Western Hemisphere (Second in the world to our Yeti allies in Tibet)? Then we want YOU for the Sasquatch Militia. Please note: Must be between 15-120 years old.

E-mail the Militia at

Click here to visit the Homepage of the Sasquatch Militia.

You must be a strong Hominoid

Not Just strong in the Body but in the Mind, in order to battle the psychotronic mind rays, used by our anti-environmental enemies in the New World Order. But this Battle is not one in which we will be forced to utilize our Battle Skills, rather it is a battle for the soul of the hominoid world, a battle, that can only be one through education, tolerance, love, and shared Values. Please Talk to the Secretary of Love for more information on this vital topic.

If you think you can meet our rigid requirments for membership please continue with the following steps.

1. E-mail us at and tell us who you are, your grade, and why you believe you would be an asset to our milita, and to hominoids throughout the world. Do you believe you'll be able to meet the Commander of all Forces' difficult training, which includes underwater combat, and forest survival? Do you also know how to decipher between right and wrong, intolerance and tolerance? Bigotry and respect?

2. After you E-mail us we will E-mail you back to discuss further the issue of your membership. You may be contacted at school by one of our secret agents, or you may contact one of our hierarchal members, to arrange membership. Even if you don't e-mail us, we may still contact you, just to say hi, or to check up on your safety and maybe to determine whether your truly an NWO operative!

3. Your admission to the Militia will be decided by vote among the Leaders of the Organization. Unless you are an incompetant waste of the Militia's resources, or have nothing to offer, you will most likely be admitted to the organization. But some have failed only to have gained membership after being cleansed from the mind-raping of the NWO or the demonic mind-control of one of her allies.

4. You will meet the leaders of the Militia and you will be assigned a date and time for basic training. Failure to show up for basic training without a Doctor or Parents excuse, will result in immediate termination from the group, and possibly other negative consequences. Having a hang-over is not a valid excuse, The militia comes first, then drinking. Anyone who cannot differentiate will be psychologically evaluated for mind-control, and a possible court marshall from the Militia may ensure. Also, you must have your car checked for pro-NWO gadgets and mind control devices which may be used to spy on you or mind-rape you.

5. If your lucky enough to pass basic training, a formal induction ceremony as well as a public celebration will be held at either a weekly meeting, or immediately after basic training, whatever we decide to do, we will do, you will not be asked, you will be told.

6. You will be given your ensigna, uniform, and orders. Failure to report to your regiment, and contact the regimental or regional commander, will result in you paying a hefty fine. If you cannot pay the 5 dollars, you will be asked to get a job, or do servile work at one of our houses, for 2-3 hours after school.

7. You no will begin living the wonderful life as a stomptrooper in the Sasquatch Milita, and within months be ascending up the chain of command. Maybe one day you'll be the Secretary General, or Adminstrative Assistant. But for now, be content being a Stomptrooper Private, in the world's best peace-loving Militia - The Sasquatch Militia.

The Official website of The Sasquatch Militia!