

Get your kicks from 2006!

Party Hardy, Friends Forever, Dance All night, We'll always be together, Girls like guys, Dudes Like chicks, Hey We'er the Class of 2006!!

Dance all night, rock n roll, were the class you can't control, the kids that you don't wanna meet, the kids that you just cannot beat, you better belive this class ain't ditzs. We can only be the class of 2006!

Party hardy, rock n roll, drink a keg, smoke a bowl, love is fine, but sex just kicks. We are the class of 2006!

We are the class wit all the hot chicks...we are 2006!!

Some are dorks, some are cool, we'er the class that breaks every rule. Some preppy, some pricks,yep thats us!! We'er the class of 2006!

Party Hardy, Rock n Roll, Drink Barcardi, Smoke A Bowl, Guys Eat OUt, Girls Sux Dicks, Skippin Class To Get A FiX...CuZ We'Er ThE ClAss Of 2006.

GeT dRuNk Or SmOkE sOmE wEeD,
HaVe SeX, iTs GaReNtEeD,
a GuYs A d|K, gIrLs A bYtCh,
WeRe ThE cLaSs Of 2o06!