Keeping Abreast
breast cancer information all
you never wanted to know,but....
Knowledge is POWER!!!

Academy of Lymphatic Studies
Management of Lymphedema,supplies

All About Implants
Types of implants, photos, forum for support

Anatomy of Tram flap versus Diep Flap
Shows in photos the differences in the 2 reconstruction techniques

A Survivors Journey
Pink Ribbon1953

Anti-Aromatase Inhibitors
Arimidex, Aromasin, Femara

 Bartter Site
About, portAcaths,picc lines, hickman cathethers, neostars for chemo

Bone Density
Osteoporosis and you

Benign Breast Conditions
Nipple discharge, phylloides tumor, cysts,lobularbc,papilomas,
duct ecstasia all explained

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
Explains the hows, whys and wheres about BMAspirations and
biopsy's with illustrations

Bone Scan
Diagnostic test, how does it work?

Breast  Implants  and Capsular Contracture
What is  Capular Contracture? Explained, very graphic site

Breast cancer Treatments and Guidelines

Breast Cancer Info
Linda Bily's bc page, an abundance of info on Lymphedema-LE,
insurance and drug assistance, very informative info here

Breast cancer diagnostics/pathology
er- er+,sphase,flow cemetry, staging,her2neu

Breast Cancer Survivors and Friends
BCSAF is a support group and website for friends and
family of breast cancer survivors.

Breast Friends
One-to-One Breast Cancer Support 800 toll free phone #

Breast Implant Update/gov
Info on implants after radiation

Breastnet-NSW Institute
Australia-News,survivors stories,lots of info on bc

breast cancer Toll Free Help Lines

Breast Reconstruction
Questions and Answers

Breast Reconstruction
Photos of all types of breast reconstruction, Dr. Susan Love's site
Breast Reconstruction-

Cancer survivors online
Info, support, links, resources
Cancer Links - complete information
Information and Advocacy

Chemotherapy from CancerBackup-UK
Listed all chemotherapies, radiotherapy

Chemocare by Scott Hamilton
All aspects of and from chemotherapy

Chemo angels ^Ä^
Support and Encouragement

Chemotherapy Tips
Help through chemotherapy

Clinical Trials/NSABP
Find, where,what,and when trials are

Common Lab Values
Lab values for all blood work ups, liver enzymes

Common Forms of Breast cancer

Ct Scans-  Computerized Axial Tomograpy
Patient information

DIEP Flap, SIEP,GAP, all flap surgeries using NO muscle
How this procedure works, with patient before and after pics.

Drug Assistance Program
Drug companies/assistance with

Approved for osteoporosis

FAB-Fighting Against Breast cancer
Great info, survivors stories, geared toward under 40y/o

Estrogen Receptors Explained
Site explains in plain english what estrogen positive =er+ and
estrogen negative =er-

Finanancial Assistance
There is help for those mounting bills.

Finding Cheap Medicine
Lists of links to finding cheap or free medicines

Friends in Need=Fin
Great support family of bc survivors

Full Body Scanning
Explains what full body scan does and other scans. Good info

Her2 Support Group
A site for patients taking Herceptin or for those who want
to find information on Her2, site run by a  survivor of bc.

Herceptin and her2neu information

HerSource, breast cancer in terms that we can understand

Hope for breast cancer, Ashley-15, tells her story of her Mom's
breast cancer

IBC = Inflammatory breast cancer Research Foundation
Inflammatory breast cancer research

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Survivors
IBC Survivors tell their stories

Laboratory Tests Online
Very up to date site with all tests and reasons and normal values

Legal Legacy:
Will your children inherit breast cancer?

Livin with it!
Support site for metastatic bc survivors

Lobular,invasive breast cancer
Kris' journey of invasive Lobular bc

Lymphedema Info,Secondary
All about LE=Lymphedema, Sas'page

Lymphedema awareness wrist band-free

BSE,Personal Learning System

Mastectomy - What does it entail?
Types of mastectomies, axillary dissections, very informative site

Metastatic Breast Cancer
bc mets support, mail list

MRI,  Digital Mammograpy,Ductal Lavage

Understanding Navelbine=vinorelbine

National Cancer Institute
Staging and types of Breast Cancer

Patients  Bill of Rights  Act of 1998

Personal Journey through metastatic breast cancer
Breast cancer stage4

Peninsula Medical Inc
Free Lyphedema awareness bracelets, Reid sleeves,contour,
Opti-Pads,Night time compression sleeves.

P.E.T Scans
Is it better than a mammogram or ct scan?

Photo Essay of estrogen receptors
What really is the difference between er- and er+

Plastic Surgeons-
Search State Wide

Questions to ask all your Doctors?

Radiant Impressions-New wave in breast prothesis

Radiation Therapy and You
What will Radiation be like?

Reach to Recovery
You are not alone, breast cancer survivors here to help you!

Resource for Mothers
How to talk to your children

Sentinel Node Biopsy
Explains the procedure and the outcomes

Sexuality,intimacy after bc
Sex after BC

Show Me
UPA site on reconstruction after mastectomy.
Photos of patients,lumpectomy,implants,free flaps,
trams and nipple tattoo. Very complete info on reconstuction

Sterotactic Radiation
What is this and what is it used for?

Lots of information here

The Breast Clinic
Everything you need to know about breast cancer

The Breast Expert
Plastic surgeons page,  Before and after photos

Tumor Markers, what are they?
Explains tumor markers in lamens terms

Patient information

Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998

Patient information

Young Moms with breast cancer
Forum for support

Young bc survivors united
Breast cancer survivors under 40,pregnancy

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