Chapter One:
Fists Collide

Bra sighed softly while listening to her teacher babbling on about some kami-forsaken historical event that made no sense to her. Like she even gave a care. She wished that she could pass the time more quickly after glancing at the clock only to see that she still had an hour left of what she liked to call ‘pure torture’. She rather listen to one of her father’s lectures on why she should learn how to fight because it's in her blood.

Than suddenly a noise got her attention as it came from the narrow hallway. It didn’t matter rather she could fight or not. She could still utilize the best of her Saiya-jin abilities to hear and see. It just came naturally, and she didn’t have to use any effort to do so. The foot steeps echoed as they came closer to the door. She could hear the shoe soles tapping against the tile floor lightly yet loudly. She knew it was only one person.

Then the noise stopped; it was now at the door. Bra quickly turned her head towards the door to see who would come in. As the door opened, her teacher went to it to greet the person. Finally the person came into view as the teacher brought him in front of the classroom to introduce him to everyone. Bra couldn't believe how incredibly handsome he was. He was kind of small but well built indeed as she noticed his suit clinging to his body. His ravine black hair swayed loosely at the sides of his face casting a shadow over his features. His eyes where so smoky-like, with a hint of the darkest blue sea color ever, like "Persian blue.." she thought while trying to look at him more closely.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet our new student. He will be with us for the rest of the year." the teacher said.

"Hello everyone, my name is Juu-kun You'e. It's a pleasure to meet you all," he said as the words played off his lips with no emotions. The teacher followed as he made his way to sit next to her.

"Good, now just ask Miss Bra Briefs Vegeta if you need anything."

Bra had turned to look at him again when it hit her who he really was...his eyes locked with hers and he instantly knew she knew. "Juu-kun You'e. So that’s your real name number 17." Bra said softly so no one could hear her but him.

She was waiting for him to say something back, but he was silent. He only gazed at her once more and then paid no more attention to her for the rest of the class.

Another hour passed and school let out. Juu-kun was walking down the street when he felt someone following him from behind, watching him closely.

He stopped and turned around knowing it was probably her, Bra. "Why are you following me little princess?" he asked her coldly once she realized that he had seen her.

"I know who you are ... Why are you here ?" Bra asked him.

"Don't ever call me number 17 again... and the rest is classified. You can do nothing but get in way," he said firmly taking a large step closer to her. She could feel his power emanating from him even though that bomb had been wished out of him, along with his sister’s.

"Why?" Bra asked, desperately trying to look into his eyes.

"Because I'll only end up killing you." he said, placing a hand on her cheek and slowly stroking away tear that had just fallen.

Bra could only stand there in amazement as he said it with no emotions of caring or anything. "With such ease and calm," she thought.


Later that night Bra couldn't sleep. Her mind kept on flashing images of him, over and over. She keep wondering what he was doing here, and why now… She didn't tell anyone what was said that day, nor did she think she should. She didn't need her brother or father running after him trying to kill him or watching over her every move. That would be one big mistake, and dealing with their crazy antics was something she didn't need right now.

Bra got out of bed and threw on her normal red top and gloves, but instead of a skirt she put on a pear of jeans that fitted her nicely but hung loosely in all the right places. She walked over to her dresser, checked herself in the mirror and grabbed some capsules to take with her. With that Bra climbed out of her window. This was one of those times when she wished she knew how to fly. She silently stalked on top of the roof over to where she had hidden a ladder that she always used when doors were off limits: either when she was grounded or when she should be sleeping.

"Well I guess I might let dad teach me how to fly, that should make him somewhat happy" Bra mumbled to herself, climbing down the ladder and jumping to the ground from the third to last rung. As soon as she hit the ground, she ran out of the yard and into the street.

"Well I guess I'll walk there and fly back. Don't want to us all the capsules at once since I'm running a little low." Bra said to herself as she walked towards the nearby city.


An hour had passed and Bra was in the middle of the city, humming to the tunes of the street music as the bright city lights flickered around her. As she walked down a quieter walkway, she caught a glimpse of Juu-kun.

"Juu-kun," she whispered as she saw him running off into an ally. She decided to go after him, and took off running. When she got into the alley where he was, she didn't see him, and it was a dead-end. "Where did he go?" she wondered aloud, looking around until she saw a door above an old fire escape stairway, a couple of feet off the ground. She jumped up onto the stairway, walked up, and opened the door to see Juu-kun crouched down on the floor doing something. She kept as quiet as she could and crept closer to him.

She could see him digging through some stuff as she sneaked up from behind. She decided to make her presence known.

"Juu-kun..what are you—" was all she could get out before he turned around and covered her mouth with one hand; a ki ball had materialized in the other. He knew she too scared to move, so he lowered his hand from her mouth and grabbed the papers he needed out of the old desk.

After that he grabbed Bra and ran out the door with her tucked under one of his arms. Jumping to the ground and landing at a safe distance, he threw the ki blast at the building to make sure no one would know he had been there. Destroying any evidence before any could be found as he liked to call it.

"What the hell was that, and what are you doing with those papers?" Bra demanded as the smoke cleared to reveal nothing but a slight indentation in the gravel where the building had been.

He didn't say anything as he turned from her and read the papers. "So this is where the manufacturing goes on...along with the other plans." he said to himself. With that he threw the papers to the ground and burnt them into nothing with a slight flick of his wrist.

"Juu-kun," Bra said coming over to him placing a hand over his shoulder. With that he turned his head and looked back at her.

"Bra" he said softly looking into those blue eyes of hers as a smile rose from her lips.

"Say good-bye."

He formed a small ki ball on the tip of one finger.

"Hey, down here! This is where the blast came from! I think I see some people down there,"

a large man yelled, pointing down the ally with the sound of other people following him along with some police cars who had their sirens on, along with the fire truck.

With that, Juu-kun took off into the sky, leaving Bra standing there. She quickly threw out one of her capsules and flew off in a car before anyone could tell it was her.

"I wonder what those papers said, and what he doing, and what place was he talking about." Bra thought as she flew off into the sky. "Man, now I really think it would be a good time to learn how to fly if I'm going to be following him around for now on. There is something about him that I have to know…" Bra said to herself as she flew towards home.

chapter two.
