Hey there!!!
my name is Solly others also know me as Addeiam Satiny Solomon
I'm an English Gentleman so I have to show Imp UK  after my name!!

I am a Seal Point Siamese and I carry all colours
email me
I am very fond of entertaining lady friends in my modern  quarters (cool in summer and warm in winter)  which you can see below, I am free from any disease and only entertain ladies who have been tested for FeLV and FIV
If any of you babes out there would like to visit me or you'd like a copy of my pedigree please email my mum Anne  by clicking on  the cat below
Here are a some of photo's of my children who are winning titles, I am collecting more photo's
                                                       and will add them soon


              1                                    2                                       3                                  4

1,   Gold Double Grand Champion Kalinya Sir Rocky

2,   Double Grand Champion Satiny Perseus (aka Harry Rotter)

3,   Grand  Champion Satiny Zercxes  

4,   Gold  Double Grand Champion Tambralinga Zabre (Jonny, Oriental Red Mackerel


                                  New babies due any day, repeat mating of Zercees and Perseus 
Satiny Cats
HTML LANG=en-GB> Satiny Cats
Satiny Siamese Cats, Australia
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