My Quote of the Month
(Or whenever the hell I feel like updating it!)
OK, so I decided to do this while I was watching a movie...not a particularly GOOD movie, but a movie nonetheless...

Basically I'll try to put up a new quote that strikes my fancy at least once a month...but that all depends on how often I'll be able to get to a copmuter once I move (yes I'm moving....far, far away *sniff* ; ) 

So anyway, I thought it would be fun to try this...see if more people will come to my site if I do it.  Probably not, but whatever...

Since I've been babbling on, I'm sure you're all wondering when I'm going to get to the point...well, since I don't actually
have a point other than I'm going to put a quote that I like at the bottom of this page when I'm done my rambling, I'll just keep talking about absolutely nothing...but I suppose you could just scroll down to the bottom and see the quote instead of reading all of this...but then you'd miss all of my interesting and funny comments...

You know, like "Hey, did you know that if I stand on my head long enough, my face gets all red and splotchy...then my head begins to hurt, cuz all the blood's rushing to it.  Then when I stand up I'm dizzy, cuz all the blood has rushed to my head and I end up falling over again..."

Or there's always my reminicing about the "good ole days" when I got punched in the face on Prom Night... or when I fell flat on my face walking into my Grade 9 math class...twice...

I suppose that no one is reading this any more and has just skipped ahead to the quote I've that won't notice if I say that I think you're stupid...or that I think I'm going to live underground to stay out of the "sight" of the Saturnians....

You know they have the technology to see through walls, don't you?  Ya...the only thing they can't see through is an enormous wall of cottage cheese...It's true!! 

You know what?...This is just getting ridiculous.  Here's the damn quote...Happy now?!?!?
"Down here we call it "Pocket Full of Ass..."
~ from the movie, "Get Over It"

Again, not the most amazing of movies, but what ever, it's still pretty funny.
Take me home!!!