That's Me
Name: Diane

Birthday: June 4, 1982 (Making me 20 at this point in time)

Astrological Sign: Gemini, baby!  The best sign of the Zodiac!!

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Place of Birth: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada  (I moved to the Island when I was 8)

Family: My mom, my dad, my two sisters, Bonnie and Robyn, and my cat, Suzie.

Favourite Music: I try to keep my mind open to all forms of music, and therefore do not like picking only a few styles as my favourite.  I tend to like a little something from every genre of the art, as it is my favourite subject.  Though I'm not overly fond of Rap or Hip-Hop, I find that I have exceptions to even that rule.

Favourite Colour: I don't really have one.  Though I'm partial to Purple, Blue and Green

Friends: I have many, many friends and I do not wish to insult any one them by forgetting to put them on a list like this, so I just say that all my friends are very important to me and I care about all of them.

Favourite Movies: The Matrix, The Fifth Element, The Emporer's New Groove, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (it's more than likely that the other two movies will end up in this list as well)

Employment: I work at Winners

Pet Peeves/Things I Hate: Weird guys hitting on me in the street, people who never stop talking, no matter how many times you tell them to SHUT UP!  Annoying little Twinkie Girls who only talk about their looks and make stupid sexual comments, Nanaimo's Transit system (busses in general really).  Day-time Television, McDonald's, people who lie, my inabilaty to atract the opposite sex (this last one is a bit of a joke)

School: I graduated from Wellington Secondary School in 2000, and I'm currently going to Malaspina University-College, where I'm taking my Bachelor of Classical Music.  I've moved to Victoria to hopefully finish my program at UVic.

Future Asspirations: I hope to one day become a Music Teacher, much like one of my favourite teachers in High School

Favourite Animal: The almighty Cat!!

Favourite Books: The Mists of Avalon, by Marrion Zimmer Bradly.  Jack of Kinrowan, by Charles de Lint.  The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, by JRR Tolkien.  There's a book I read a few years ago called Mirage, but I can't remember the names of the authors.  I am also currently reading The Fionavar Tapestry, by Guy Gavriel Kay.

Hobbies: Singing (really, anything that has to do with music), Hanging out with friends, The Computer (apparently), Reading, Going for a walk anywhere outside, I'm sure there's more, I just can't think of it right now.

Random Knowledge: Hey, did you know that my first name (Diane) means "pure goddess of the moon?"  And that my middle name (Cecile) means "Musical?"

It's true.  "Diane" comes frome "Diana," which was another name for Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon.  And "Cecile" is another version of "Cecilia," which is taken from Saint Cecilia, the Saint of Music.
This is the symbol for Mercury.
Take me home!!!