Smoking and pregnancy

You will also learn about many nonsmoking ways to deal with the urge to smoke. smoking and pregnancy Pictures of women smoking cigarettes. These are called coping skills. Finally, you will learn what to do in case you do slip and give in to the smoking urge. Keep Your Guard UpThe key to living as a nonsmoker is to avoid letting your urges or cravings for a cigarette lead you to smoke. smoking and pregnancy Senior health. Don't kid yourself-even though you have made a commitment not to smoke, you will sometimes be tempted. But instead of giving in to the urge, you can use it as a learning experience. First, remind yourself that you have quit and you are a nonsmoker. smoking and pregnancy Nicotine withdrawl. Then look closely at your urge to smoke and ask yourself:Where was I when I got the urge?What was I doing at the time?Who was with me?What was I thinking?The urge to smoke after you've quit often hits at predictable times. The trick is to anticipate those times and find ways to cope with them-without smoking. Naturally, it won't be easy at first. In fact, you may continue to want a cigarette at times. But remember, even if you slip, it doesn't mean an end to the nonsmoking you. It does mean that you should try to identify what triggered your slip, strengthen your commitment to quitting, and try again. Look at the following list of typical triggers. Do many of them ring a bell with you? Check off those that might trigger an urge to smoke, and add any others you can think of:Working under pressureFeeling blueTalking on the telephoneHaving a drinkWatching televisionDriving your carFinishing a mealPlaying cardsDrinking coffeeWatching someone else smokeIf you are like many new nonsmokers, the most difficult place to resist the urge to smoke is the most familiar-home. The activities most closely associated with smoking urges are eating, partying, and drinking. And, not surprisingly, most urges occur when a smoker is presentHow to Dampen That UrgeThere are seven major coping skills to help you fight the urge to smoke. These tips are designed for you, the new nonsmoker, to help you nurture the nonsmoking habit. 1. Think about why you quit. Go back to your list of reasons for quitting. Look at this list several times a day, especially when you are hit with the urge to smoke.

Smoking and pregnancy

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