Classic Marvel Superheroes RPG

Shogun Industries, Beta Team – Master Shredder

Alien                                                                                      Height: __’__”

Real Name: Oroku Saki                                                        Weight: ____ lbs.

Occupation: _________                                                    Gender: Male

Legal Status: ______________                                       Age: ______ years

Identity: ________                                                             Skin Colour: ______

Place of Birth: ___________                                             Hair Colour: ______

Known Relatives: ________                                             Eye Colour: ______

Past Group Affiliations: __________                              Present Group Affiliation:  The S.I. Elite

Fighting:                __________         0

Agility:                   __________         0

Strength:                __________         0

Endurance:            __________         0

Reason:                  __________         0

Intuition:                __________         0

Psyche:                  __________         0

Health:   ___         Resources:            __________ (00) Karma Pool 1 (_________) - _______________

Karma:    ___         Popularity:             ­­__                           Karma Pool 1 (_________) - _______________

Known Powers:

Body Armour:

Energy Generation:

Serial Immortality:


Foot Soldiers:





Theme Song:

(Remember this is about who your character is, what people are supposed to think about them… this is not their WWE intro music)

Role Playing Notes: