Classic Marvel Superheroes RPG

Shogun Industries – Mistress Nicole, the Living Vampire

Altered Human                                                                                     Height: 6 ’ 1 ”

Real Name: Nicole Escribanno                                                           Weight: 129 lbs.

Occupation: Administrative Assistant/Freelance Assassin         Gender: Female

Legal Status: US citizen without a criminal record                          Age: 6000+ years

Identity: Public/Secret                                                                         Skin Colour: Caucasian

Place of Birth: Unknown (somewhere in Conneticut)                    Hair Colour: Black

Known Relatives: All deceased                                                         Eye Colour: Honey

Past Group Affiliations: Unknown                                                    Present Group Affiliation:  Shogun Industries

Fighting:          Amazing            50

Agility:             Monstrous        75

Strength:          Excellent            20

Endurance:      Monstrous        75

Reason:            Remarkable        30

Intuition:          Excellent            20

Psyche:            Monstrous        75

Health: 220       Resources: Amazing (50)          Karma Pool 1 (___________): ____________
Karma: 125       Popularity: 0/-20                         Karma Pool 2 (___________): ____________

Known Powers:

Pseudo-Vampirism: Nicole is an ancient vampire goddess, who was partially cured by Sauren Teku. She has been with the S.I. ever since, (approximately the last 100 years of her 1000). As such the transformation couldn’t be completed, giving Nicole the following vampiric abilities:

-Resistances: Nicole’s vampire metabolism gives her Amazing (50) resistance to most diseases and toxins. Nicole also does not age in the same manner as humans, doing so at a much slower rate (1-year to her equals 100-years to a normal human).

-Regeneration: Nicole is able to recover Excellent (20) amounts of health each round, or Unearthly (100) if she rests for 8 rounds. Physical damage, (i.e. bullet wounds, cuts, etc.), heal before the start of the next round.

-Natural Weapons: Nicole has a wicked set of claws and fangs that she is able to do Remarkable (30) edged damage with. The SI Elite have also modified her skeleton, infusing it with an organic metal of Unearthly (100) material strength, making her bones nearly unbreakable, and granting +1cs damage to anyone she can damage in combat.

-Lightning Speed: Nicole is able to cross up to 4-areas in the blink of an eye, requiring an Intuition FEAT roll against the Incredible (40) rank of this ability, otherwise the target is stunned for that round and is –1cs on any defensive function against attack.

-Vampire Gaze: Nicole, like most vampires, is able to enthral those that look her in the eye. This is a form of telepathic hypnotism that she can use with Remarkable (30) rank to read the minds of others and control them. This ability can be maintained for 10 to 100 rounds, and may be fought by making a –2cs Psyche FEAT roll, which can be done whenever an order is given.

-Partial Limitations: Like most vampires, Nicole has weaknesses to certain elements and environments. Nicole, however, is partially immune to some of these. Nicole is able to withstand exposure to the sun, although it drops all of her physical abilities and Psyche by –2cs. She is immune to garlic and holy water, and silver only has a +1cs bonus to damage her. Nicole does still possess their hunger, but can go without drinking blood for extended periods, but must have blood once every week or her powers and abilities drop by –1cs per day until she reaches Shift 0 Endurance, and dies. Nicole also must make a Psyche FEAT roll daily to counter the hunger or she loses control and reverts.

Telekinesis: Nicole is able to affect matter using her mind, and has Amazing (50) ability with the following power stunts:

-Force Fields: Nicole is able to generate a power rank, 1-area radius force field.

-Kinetic Bolt: Nicole can generate a bolt of mental force of power rank intensity, 4-area range.

-Flight: Nicole is able to fly/levitate/hover with –3cs ability.
Telepathy: Nicole has the Amazing (50) ability to enter/control the minds of other beings and is able to use the following power stunts:

-Mind Probe: Nicole can enter another’s mind and search through their memories/thoughts with –2cs ability.

-Project Thoughts: Nicole can project her thoughts as thoughts or illusions with –1cs ability.

-Mental Command: Nicole can enter another’s mind and command them with power rank ability.

-Mental Bolts: Nicole is able to form bolts of mental energy that inflict –1cs intensity.

-Psionic Detection: Nicole is able to use her telepathic abilities as a sensor of –1cs ability.

-Mental Invisibility: Nicole is able to force others to mentally ignore her with power rank ability.
-Postcognition: Nicole is able to see into the past with –1cs accuracy.

-Precognition: Nicole is able to see into the future with –3cs accuracy.
-Emotion Control-Lust: Nicole is able to force members of the opposite sex (and some of her own) to be overcome with lust for her, although, the initial attraction must already be there. Nicole is unable to control this ability, as it functions instinctively with Amazing (50) ability.

-Ability Boost: Nicole is potentially the most powerful mind on Earth. Nicole is a true master vampire, and has of yet to redevelop her mental abilities. All of Nicole's Amazing (50) ranked abilities are actually at the Unearthly (100) level but she is forced to limit them in order to keep from injuring herself. Nicole can boost her mental abilities to Monstrous (75) at no cost. If she boosts them further, she takes some backlash damage and suffers a karma loss. At Unearthly (100) level she suffers Feeble (02) damage, and loses 5 Karma, at Shift X (150) levels she suffers Poor (04) damage and loses 10 Karma. She can also boost her abilities to Shift Y (200) levels but this does Good (10) damage, costs her 25 Karma, and requires a Psyche FEAT every round that she uses those levels, or she falls unconscious for 1-10 hours. When Nicole uses his powers at boosted levels she usually gets nosebleeds.

Resist Domination


