*swoons* The sweetest slash couple in history: Daz and Dan... aww! *g*
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Last update: June 3, 2002:
I basically uploaded the remainder of the NC-17 fics, save 4 newish ones. 2 more pics were added, though i'm sure they are pics you've all seen before *s*
Also, there's a new thing going on... the fic 'the press conference', which can be found in the NC-17 section has yet to be finished...! That's right, Waterbaby and i never got around to ending it due to lack of inspiration. So alas, the offer is open to any slash writer who wishes to write the remainder of it. Unfortunately, since all the existing chapters weren't uploaded today, i'm aware you're unable to see where we left it off... but as soon as i get the rest uploaded, feel free to submit
your version of the ending. I'll then choose an ending i like from all the entries, and it will be uploaded as the conclusion of the fic.

Cheers, and good luck! 

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