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I'm guessing this was taken before I went to Amber's.

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They were probably getting high in this picture, el oh el.

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Toking much?

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Gabriel and Hussein.

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Amber took it right when I came.

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Look at all the pretty colors!

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They were just having the time of their lives.

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Too bright, Alan.

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Smile, Amber!!!

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Hide the evidence, Gabe! >.<

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Umm... So... Yeah...

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A close up on Sainy.

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Mike's pretty baked now.

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Ok, Gabriel's obviously out of it, and so he decides to take the camera and take a random picture of the door... o.O Haha.

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Mike's trying to talk.

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Uh, yeh, so by this time, I was pretty stoned off my ass...

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Iono what Alan was taking.

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Alan took this one too.

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Are you pondering what I'm pondering!?!

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What're you hiding from, Sainy?

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Amber doesn't look like she's having a good time... =[

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Silly, silly. xP

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I took this one of Amber. She's so fucking pale, I like her skin. <3

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Gabriel's eyes are fucking NOTICEABLE, haha.

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He looks more asian than I do in here, I think? Tee hee.

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Just wanted to stand, y'know... Stretch and shit.

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Come on over and do the twist! ^.^

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We were in the living room getting ready to play games. I kinda forgot what Gabriel was doing to me, but I remembered he was tripping me out, so I kept beating him for it. xD

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I most likely took this one of Nick.

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So, Amber and Mike had a little discussion in the kitchen...

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With Sainy just watching.

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Ga', WTF is wrong with my smile? o.O

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Hussein and Mike.

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Hehe, I took this of Hussein.

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And he decided to just smile. xP

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Amber taking a picture of her crotch. x]

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Damn, I look like SHIT in here... And my eyes are pretty fucking blood shot too, heh.

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Yep, me and Silent Fred. ^.^

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Hussein staring at the dog.

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Alan, Amber, Gabriel, and Mike just watching a movie. Snatched, I think was what it was called.

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Nick walking around.

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That's Paul in the background... I've known him since 6th grade! He had to take my home that night, ha.

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::Chubby face:: ...

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Amber taking a picture of her crotch again. Damn, this girl... Haha.

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Me and my buddy, Gabe.

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Sticking out my tongue agaaaain.

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Aww, Hussein, move your hands!

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Alan's mostly in the picture in here, yo.

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I was high again... Iono what the fuck I was doing at this point. xP