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Angel and Jace.

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Ya... Me, Angel, and Gilbert wrapped Twitch up in toilet paper to make him a mummy, and put toilet paper roll to make it look like he had a boner, hee hee. I stuck a pen in there for some reason. o.O

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I love Ally, so back off! *^.^*

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Me and Amber.

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Dre looks like Chris Tucker, huh!?! Sorry Dre, I like to mess with you on that. xP

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My awesomest Daddy as you can tell. x]

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I liked this black and white picture of her.

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Haha, I remember those stickers... I love those stickers!!!

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Crys. I miss you.

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Gabriel was trying to warm me up outside when it was cold. =]

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My wifey is sooo prettyyyyy.

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Arooound... August of '05. Jake and Katie.

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Squishy and Dani!!!

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Hello! And good moooorning, glory!

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Lauren and Mitchell at Klein.

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That's Aron.

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Yet again... The loveable Mitchell. <33333333

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Gilbertooo and me.

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I've known this fucking kid since 3rd grade!!!

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One of the raddest asian girls I've ever met. ::Linda::

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Left to right: Mario, James, and me.

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When Kristen came back from JJ. I had her for PE.

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I like saying Sarahahaha. xP

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Kohlhof. Mannn, he's an ass when it comes to being strong! >.< Tee hee.

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I heart Tyler!

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Me and Emily acting goofy in choir.

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Back when Katie was still in school, haha.

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Mike and Twitch. Mike fell into mud that day.

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Sainy and me!!! <3<3<3

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Daddy yet againnn.

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I liked this one of Page.

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Rawr, I tackle youuuu.

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Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil. ... I think that's not in the right order, el oh el.

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Javen and Tahiya making out, haha. Lovely together.

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Dani and Gilbert at the waterfall. I ef-ing love that place...

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Soup at lunch. 5A.

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Oh Twitch... You and your skipping. xP

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I love these guys...

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Going home from the Woodlands... Justin drove.

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Steph took that.

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Iono, we were just playing with cameras, tee hee.

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Lighting up fireworks! Sorta.

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Angel, me, and Stephanie. Yeah, that's right... Instead of stuffing our bras, we stuffed our pants. We're men now!!!

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Gilbert took this of Angel.

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Straightening his hair.

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Or in words of Twitch... Chillaxin'.

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I like this one 'cause it shows me playing with a gun. Muahahaha!

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That was right after my Dinner Theater. (Choir concert)

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Twitch's amazing large black penis. This is hilarious!

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That's Sainy's jacket. I love the patches he has on there. xD

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I miss Robert!!! He use to live with Chris and them.

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I like this one 'cause it looks like Kristen's 'bout to punch the shit outta Twitch. =X

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FRANKFRANKFRANK!!! We shall meet soon.

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Jared, mannn... He's more random than me, I love it.

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Crystal came over on Halloween.

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What did I tell you!?! Only someone like Sasha or Twitch knows this place. x] Image hosting by Photobucket
Twitch took it. I was trying to call people.

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Nanai. My mommy! xP

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Domingo was chasing after ducks, haha.

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Chris and me during Halloween.

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Gilbert pretending he punched Albert. Too bad it wasn't serious...

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I think we're actually the same height. -.-'

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I bet Mike was drunk by this time, el em a oh!

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Robert, Kristine, and Page.