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Many questions are most probably in your head right now.  So lets clear things up. 
1) Why should you join??
You should join not only because Hentai is bad and disgusting but there are many young children out there who look for cute pictures and they end up seeing Hentai.  If you are a parent I'm sure you would not like to have your child see such a thing.  Even though we,the webmistresses, do not have children and are not old enough to have them, we still would hate the fact that our child was to view such a degrading thing. So you should join for all the horrible hentai out there that should be gone.  Besides if you were to have our banner on your webpage think how good that would look! Also if you like Hentai this could be your start to stop liking it.
2)Why is Hentai Wrong?
Well this is pretty simple.  Its a type of porn that people can see freely with out trouble.  And its because of the fact that it is so easy to find that it should be stoped.  Also many pages don't say if they have Hentai on their page or not and you may see a few cute pictures and then all the sudden you see this disgusting pornographic picture which you intended not to see.
3)Why was this page made?
The creators of SOD would like to stop all of the evil things that come from Hentai.  One character which I,one of the webmistresses,  like ALOT is Duo Maxwell.  I have noticed that there is a ton of Hentai,crossdressing, and other sick stuff which is done to him.  that is why this page mainly is on helping Duo. hence the name: SOD, Save Our Duo.  Also I once was at this webpage and it had some cute chibi pictures of him. Then I clicked on a thunbnail of Duo (it looked like another cute picture) and it sent me to this disgusting Hentai picture!  I knew then that it had to stop.
4)Why Duo?
The reason this page is for Duo is because most hentai on Gundam Wing is on Duo Maxwell.  For some odd reason they thought it would be "cool" to pick on our braided hero.     Ok so they do have Hentai/ettchi on most all the characters but Duo seems to have the most and that is wrong!  Why our coffeeman and not Trowa (I Preja who is writing this page  HATES!! Trowa) .  want to stop it all ,though I'm sick of seeing it most of it done to our special coffeeman.  So that is why you should join stop Henat/etchi!