Please mail the following or your version (the Governor's Office indicates that regular mail is best), or if you don't have time, email to:

(Your name and address)


The Honorable Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. 
Governor of the State of Maryland 
State House 
100 State Circle 
Annapolis, MD 21401

Subject: Proposed Demolition of the Monumental Motorcar Company (Odorite) Building

Dear Governor Ehrlich:

I am a (student/resident/interested party.....).  Despite a recent unanimous determination by the Maryland Advisory Council on Historic Preservation that the adverse effect that would result from demolition of the Odorite Building is not acceptable, we are still at significant risk of losing this important historic and architectural asset in as little as ten days.. To date, the University of Baltimore has demonstrated a single-minded determination to proceed with demolition of the building. As it has done with MHT recommendations, the University could also ignore the Council recommendations since there are no provisions for enforcement.

For this reason, I ask for your personal intervention in preventing the ill-advised demolition of the Monumental Motorcar Company Building and in requiring that the University of Baltimore find a preservation-based solution for its new student center that includes one of Baltimore's treasured historic buildings.

Respectfully yours,