Fan Poetry

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Here is a collection of fine Cotton Squares-related verse. To submit your own poetry for the collection, please use our handy feedback form. Thanks!


(Start echo on request)
A hot square contest torches the squat note
Snot at croquet, she toasts, "Conquer the Cotton Squash Tree"
An Etch soars to Art, torn cheques to toss Cartoons, the Quest


The magpies, watching
Blossoms scattered on scarred field:
Brotherhood of spies. 

God Bless The Cotton Squares

In the town of Menlo Park our flag flies true and free;
And when the morning comes I know who gave us liberty.
Freedom's price is never small; there's always blood to pay;
Without our soldiers holding fast we'd not be free today.

When patriots talk of battles won their name comes to my mind:
Those steadfast warriors on the field with virtues so refined.
They marched to vict'ry, heads held high, with ne'er a thought of gain;
To honor heroes of our time I sing this proud refrain.

God bless The Cotton Squares: your light will never pale!
With mighty angels on our side how can we ever fail?
God bless The Cotton Squares: your star shines clear and bright!
Your mighty courage led the way and gave us strength to fight.

When those heroes saw the field their hearts were beating fast;
Against a foe so great in size their line could never last.
The evil tide came crashing down, though many men they slew;
Never have so many been repelled by troops so few.

But in the end, supplies ran low; they could not carry on;
They fought to hold army back until their strength was gone.
Though finally the war was won, it came with heavy cost:
Although our forces took the day, we're less for what we lost.

God bless The Cotton Squares: you gave us liberty;
An everlasting honor guard in heaven waits for thee.
God bless The Cotton Squares: your legend ne'er will fade;
Our country's sons will always know the courage you displayed.

God bless The Cotton Squares: a valiant, mighty band;
We see the far horizon for on shoulders great we stand.
Although you've passed from earthly lands, with no more mortal cares,
Our hopes and prayers still go to thee: God bless The Cotton Squares!


A cricket, chirping,
Deafened by electric song.
I hear Cotton Squares. 

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