Apartments in Bay City and Chesaning Michigan
SBH Rentals
Our goal is to provide quality housing at a reasonable rate. We want you to be able to be proud to call it a home and feel at home, even if it is only for six months.
We currently have locations in Bay City and Chesaning Michigan. There are 4 units in Bay City, three are 2 bedroom and one is a 3 bedroom. In Chesaning there is two 2 bedroom units, however the one could be a 3 bedroom.
SBH Rentals is managed by Scott, Brian and Helen Oikarinen. We are friendly and work hard to make each unit a nice place to live.
If you have any questions or would like to see any of our apartments for rent you may call us or send an email.
(989) 671-2126

If you want immediate attention, please call us and leave a voice message, because I don't currently check the email everyday.
Bay City Apartments
413 S Sherman
203 N DeWitt
Chesaning Apartments
202 S Clark
Please check out our community pages, there is information about each city and area locations. There will also be links to areas of interest as well as similar websites.

Sorry for the limited information at this time we are sitll building this site!