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christina chambers

Christina Chambers joined the cast of "Sunset Beach" in June 1998 as the mysterious and beautiful woman who is discovered to be Maria, Ben Evans' presumed dead wife.

A native of Alexandra, Virginia, Chambers studied Shakespeare in Stratford, London, for a summer while a student at Catholic University in Washington D.C. After graduation she toured with a national Shakespeare Company playing the roles of Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet," Titania in "Mid Summer Nights Dream," Viola in "Twelfth Night," and Iris in "Anthony and Cleopatra." In 1996, Chambers moved to New York City where she was cast in national commercials and as a model in print advertisements.

In May 1998, Chambers auditioned for the role of Dana/Maria in New York and was flown to Los Angeles to screen test. After landing the role as Maria, Chambers relocated Los Angeles with her then boyfriend, now husband.

In her spare time Christina enjoys reading and cross word puzzles.

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