Core Training


Core Strength Training for Racquetball

Core strength refers to torso strength, front and back, which athletes need to ensure quality performance. The following regimen will increase stabilization of the abdominal muscles as well as the back. To prevent boredom, workouts will be varied, but one constant will remain.... we will work front and back muscles, and throw in some balance exercises.


Stomach crunches - 2 sets of 20

Oblique crunch - (on right side, twist torso so head is facing upward. Sit up using the obliques) Do 2 sets of 20

Knee raise - Lie on back, pull knees to chest - 2 sets of 20 (advanced athletes can put a medicine ball between knees for this one).

Back extension - Lie on stomach. Be sure to exhale and lift your torso up, pulling with your lower back muscles.

Toe raise to squat - Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulders. Raise up on toes. Come to a 3/4 squat position and hold for a "two" count. Start with one set of five and build to ten before adding another set of ten.

Board Walk - You will need a 2x4 for this exercise. On a 2x4 piece of wood (2"x4" x 8 feet) do the same toe raise to squat. Then slowly move sideways, "feeling the board", looking straight ahead.


Russian V - Begin as if you were doing a stomach crunch. Lift the legs off the floor and make a "v" with your upper torso. Lower legs and torso slightly and lift. Start with one set of 10 and build up to two sets of 20.

Knee twist - Begin as if doing a stomach crunch again. Keeping knees together, lower to the left and to the right, getting as close to the floor as possible. Advanced athletes can put a medicine ball between their legs. Do two sets of 20.

Lateral sit-ups - Begin as if doing crunches and raise the right elbow to the left knee. Be sure to "pull" with the abs. Alternate after 20 to the other side. Do 1 set of 20 to the right and the left.

Superman's - Begin on the stomach flat. Instead of lifting the torso up as in set one, this time lift the lower body and upper body, pulling with the lower back. Exhale when lifting. Do one set of 10 and build to two sets of 10.

Balance beam walk - On the 2x4 with ankles raised slowly walk forward without looking down. Then walk back. Do this for 30 seconds to start and build up to two minutes.

Balance beam with a twist - Rise into athletic position as you did in Workout One. Go into a 3/4 squat. Twist left and right with your upper body and stay balanced on the board. For an added twist (no pun intended) have a partner throw you a basketball above your right shoulder and alternate to above your left shoulder as you throw the ball back and stay balanced.

Alternate Workout One and Two three times per week. For example, on Monday and Friday, do Workout One and on Wednesday do Workout Two. The next week change to Workout Two on Monday and Friday and Workout One on Wednesday. Stick with these exercises and feel your game go!!!