:::SCaB bootlegs:::


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homepage : SCaB bootlegs

latest news

the new arrivals have been added to the list page, they will remain on the new arrivals for the period of a month, for quick browsing of the latest additions to my selection. 

new arrivals page is here.

that whore of a tropical storm tried to kill me.
i'll be adding a "new arrivals" page in the next couple days, this will be where i post my "new arrivals". makes sense eh? also in maybe the not quite so near future, i'm going to create a separate page for each group/artist that will be linked to on the list page. and on each individual page will be the list of shows, with setlists, and all that wonderful stuff.


hello, i've finally found the time to do this, so here it is. my trading site in all its glory. i'm starting off small by first just making sure i have everything up and listed.
SCaB bootlegs is an outlet for you to expand your bootleg collection by trading shows that you have acquired. read my rules before requesting a trade.

latest updates
coming soon page has been updated. i've attempted to make the titles of each show a little more uniform to make browsing easier.

contacting information
if you have questions pertaining a trade, feel free to e-mail me. e-mail any questions you might have to the addresses below.

   01. Hungergut2@juno
   02. Finch311@hotmail.com


   01. Finch311