Attention Al Sharpton: Shut the Hell Up

First of all, I want to make it clear that I am not a Nazi, nor even a racist for that matter, but Al Sharpton seriously makes me want to send all black people to concentration camps.

The problem with Al Sharpton is that his views on racism suggest that racism is only against black people, and always caused by white people. If a white man were to kill a black man, it is a hate crime against the black race. First of all, how would killing anybody not be a "hate crime"? Second, why is the motive always race? If a group of Klansmen hang five black people, there's a good chance that it's due to race, but if a black man is killed by a white man in a drive-by in Detroit, chances are it's because of gang territory or some other stupid excuse. So why label it as racism? I'll bet that 95% of interracial murders are due to non-racial causes. If a black man kills a white man, Sharpton sees nothing wrong. He deserves it because he's white, right? What a hypocrite.

So he runs for president. Did anyone vote for him in the primaries? Anyone? Didn't think so. He tries to be the first black president. I'd rather vote for O.J. Simpson than this guy.

He preaches equality, yet he wants black people to be superior to whites? Why, to make up for the slave days? Guess what, I have never owned slaves, nor have any of my ancestors. I'll bet a good chunk of people living here are 5th generation immigrants whose families have never owned slaves. Not to mention slavery has been banned for almost 150 years. Stop taking it out on us. This is history. It's done. It's over. We never enslaved you, and you were never enslaved. What are you complaining about? You didn't have to experience the harshness that your ancestors did. By making the "white race" pay for it, you are basically dividing people to races again, assuming that all white people were former slave owners. That's racism in itself, isn't it? Why take it out on the whole race? It's not my fault, nor anyone else's who's still alive. It's a moronic reason to hate white people. I think Al Sharpton should be enslaved (preferrably by another black man). Then he'll have a reason to complain. And even if he does, WHIP.

Al Sharpton once referred to gay people as "faggots". (Source). What a bigot! Why can't everyone be politically correct? Those queers don't want to be called "faggots". How disrespectful! He has also called white people... brace yourself... get ready... not for the faint of heart...


Gasp! Oh no! He just labeled the whole white race as "crackers." Oh, you are pushing it now, pal. So how can you claim to be an advocate against racism, when you are a racist yourself. You have, by now, contradicted yourself in so many ways that I don't see how anyone can take you seriously. So I'll say it one more time, "Shut the hell up."

I think it's scalping time.

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Hate Crime: You just scalped a black man. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

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Updated: 6/17/06.

© 2006 Scalping People