Don't Ever Hug Me Again

Today was "Free Hug Day", where a bunch of hippies (not even in the metaphorical sense, but actual people with long hair, tie-dyed shirts, and body odor)stood around campus with signs on that said "FREE HUGS". Like I need more STDs from you assholes. Are hugs ever not free? Do you normally stand on the corner at night and actually have people take you to a hotel and pay you for hugs?

The worst thing was that, since obviously none of the sane people would want a hug, when some handitard came by and actually accepted the hug, everyone standing around them would scream at the top of their lungs like they had just won the lottery.

What is the point in hugging anyway? Unless I were trying to pick-pocket someone, would there be any reason for me to go around asking to hug random people? I don't remember this ever being a tradition, but apparently some asshole thinks that by some quirk of logic, you can solve all the problem in the world just by hugging people.

Speaking of hippies, as I was walking to class, someone shoved a water bottle in my face. As I read it a few steps later, I realized that is was littered with anti-smoking propaganda. Oh well, at least I have something to keep me hydrated when I go out to buy cigarettes.

Not that this has to do with anything, but I keep thinking of this one asshole in my psychology class. Every day, he shows up late, and asks stupid questions immediately, usually regarding the part of the lecture that he missed, since he was obviously too busy being a dumbass to come to class on time. Every 5 minutes or so, he asks another question, or more often than not, it's not even a question, but simply a statement of how he tries to disagree with everything the professor says. He usually sits in front of me, within kicking distance, and conveniently in such a way that if I wanted to, I could stomp his head into the projector without even getting out of my chair.

Anyway, my point is that hugs suck, hippies suck, smoking is awesome, and the guy in my psychology class is getting my foot implanted in the back of his head next time we have class.

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Updated: 9/11/07.

© 2006 Scalping People