The day America was brutally attacked by terrorists
The day America was brutally attacked by terrorists

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11 September 2001. Photo taken after the second plane hits the other twin tower of the World Trade Centre in New York city, United States of America.
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11 September 2001. The Pentagon, in Washington D.C., United States of America is also attacked by terrorists.

New York's State Flag. [United States of America.]Washington DC's State Flag. [United States of America.]

Join The Chain of Remembrance for 11 September
Light A Candle - Remembering 11 September 2001
The 11 September Online Memorial Quilt
You are welcomed to share your thoughts or tributes of 11 September here


© Michaela

I awake, the usual time,
yet had an uneasy feeling,
that something was going to happen today,
was going to be VERY different ... real bad.

Switched on my P.C.,
still half asleep ... read my many e-mails,
logged into ICQ,
Werid message saying:
"I'm alright, don't worry",
from a dear friend in New York city.

Flicked on the television,
to watch the Breakfast show,
hear the latest news,
images began flooding in ...
planes turned into fireballs,
buildings collapsing,
people screaming ... running for their lives
... over and over we see it happen.

Not once or twice,
but three different deadly attacks,
almost four,
all in quick succession.

One's worst nightmare unfolding
... awake the others ... is this for real?
Or am I dreaming?
Pinch me now.

So vivid,
so unimaginable,
peace no more,
shattered lives,
an innocence lost
forever more
the world over.

A world seeking answers
... so to revenge.

Why? Oh why did this have to happen?
What good did they achieve, really?
... Nothing ... nothing,
but hatred and death,
and now war
between one
and the rest of the world.

... What chance do they now think they have,
of bringing down the world
to nothing?!

None ... zilch!!!

Written: Thursday 25 October 2001, about a month and a half after this tragic event which rocked the world over :(.

© Michaela

September 11 2002.
One year on today.
So hard to imagine that one year has indeed since passed.
One year since that fateful day.
Still etched as plain as day.
A milestone is reached.
We have survived the hard part, the first year.
We still remember and mourn our losses.
You all have not been forgotten.
How could we ever forget.
We as a people are coming together,
becoming stronger, more at peace with ourselves.
I strongly believe.

If I could ease the pain
You know I would
If I could turn back time
You know I would
I would just for you.

Erase the memories that
now haunt you so.
Embedded deep within forever more.

September 11
A day for reflecting.
No matter how bad life seems.
Each and everyone of us is lucky, is special.
We are still alive.

We've all seen it
If not been right on the forefront
Image after image flashing before our eyes
Whether we are in America or not.
We are still equally as touched, as heartened by this.

No matter how hard I've tried.
It'll be with me forever.
Those terrible images people plummeting in desperation.
Those terrifying screams.

When shall the feelings subside.
The pain not be as intense.
The emotions not be as raw.

Please don't go telling me never.
That I could not bear to know.
I want to move on with my life now.
I need to move on.
But I don't know how.

Wonder ...
if the pain will ever ease
if the images and voices will fade with time.
if the nightmares will end.

Candles still glow ever so brightly in our hearts
for those that didn't make it home and their loved one's and friends
for those who went looking ... our heroes
in the darkest of hours not seen in years
for those that lived, that were touched
for those who thought the worst but were lucky.

Touched the world over
United in grief.
As one.

Justice is happening but way to slowly for most.
The opponents more superior in knowledge of the land.
Our big machines to cause mass destruction are no match for this.
Only more innocents are being lost,
this time the American's are robbing life.
Tick for tact.
When shall it end.
Will they ever reach a truce.
Agree to be allies, or maybe even friends.
To end our needs of living in fear.
Or is this just to much to ask, to hope for.

Written: Written on Saturday 7 September 2002, four days prior to the one year anniversary mark, as here in New Zealand this event occured on Thursday 12 September 2001.


Do you believe in this extradorinary man, who has predicted correctly many events that have occurred long after his passing?

Do you believe that he predicted the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States of America as one of many of his prophecies?

Following those terrible events which not only rocked America, but indeed the world, especially the Western World, many people believe that the answer is YES. I myself am one of them.

Here below is what Nostrademus predicted would occur. Make of it what you will.

In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city

With this particular passage, many people believe that the "King of Terror" (following the terrorist attacks in both Washington D.C. and New York Cities in the United States of America) is none other than Osama bin Laden himself. So if this passage is indeed meant to describe the events of 11 September 2001, then he correctly predicted the nine months. Nostrademus states in the first line of this passage that this terrible event was to occur in the year of the new century. Perhaps we all celebrated the dawn of the new millennium in the wrong year so we should have celebrated the ticking over from one century into another in 2000 to 2001 and not like we did of 1999 to 2000. Most if not all Scholars agree, that the line which refers to the sky burning at forty-five degrees could only be New York City. We know that whenever Nostrademus made comments of "a new city", that he was referring to "a city in the new world". The New World is the world we now life in.

In the City of York there will be a great collapse,
twin brothers torn apart by chaos.
while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb.
A third big war will begin when the big city is burning.

The City of York, is of course none other than New York City. The great collapse and the twin brothers torn apart is of course after two planes collided into the twin towers of the World Trade centre and eventually (well it felt like an eternity) the towers came crashing down to nothing more than rubble. The part about the fortress which falls must be the Pentagon, which also that fateful day took a direct hit by a plane being forced into it by the terrorists. The Pentagon however wasn't completely destroyed in the attack. The great leader is obviously the leader of the country, which in America's case is the President. And at this time the President of the United States of America is George W. Bush (junior). And a third big war must of course be the action to which America has taken in retaliation for this terrible act. Known as "The War on Terrorism" which was started whilst New York was still burning at what has become dubbed as "Ground Zero". This war has had a lot of support from many different countries including England and New Zealand (although New Zealand is slowly not supporting America staright off the batten so to speak as we have at the beginning). The only part that people are not to sure about is what "the great leader will succumb".