This is the play test area. Feel free to email me your newly created scenarios and i will post them here. This will give you a great forum to the input of hundreds of playtesters. Please make sure you include all the info listed below!!!Testers, download the scenario and make sure to give the author some feedback!!!!!

Scenario Name
Date Added
August, 1944
I've been working on this for a little while now and it should make for a fun game or two though the length and forces made need to be modified and also I'd like it if somebody could craft a plausible briefing to go with it.
July 12th, 2001
November, 1944
This is a fictious battle for the small village of Amstenrade, in southern Holland. From here Aachen is only 30 Kilometers away! This crossroads is vital for both sides. For the Allies it needs to be taken and held to cover the flank as they proceed into Germany. The Germans need to consolidate their hold on the crossroads as a thorn that can prick the allied side for a counterattack!
July 7th, 2001
December, 1944
Patton's 3rd Army probes an outlying munitions factory in the Saar region.
June 27, 2001
Guns of Navarone
January, 1945
US assault on the infamous German Stronghold!
June 27, 2001
November, 1944
Brethon A German staging point has been caught by the rapidly advancing front-line. The British Airborne tried to capture it, but failed. Now, backed by some French Howitzers, the Canadians will try to take both the staging point, and the site of a crashed glider. Designer's Note: The briefings are improper, all that is really wanted is control of the flags, forces said are very close to what you actually get.
June 27, 2001
June 1944
A US Airborne platoon races to take a bridge before the Germans can reinforce it! Designer's Note: This is a fictious battle and I don't have briefing done for it, b/c I want to work out all the details before I do, My main concerns are: 1) playability- Is it a difficult, but not too difficult scenario (My three friends have played it either to a draw or a loss, but they haven't played CM that much- just getting them into it), 2) its historical accuracy, particularly the composition of the forces (this being set in the early days after D-Day), 3) the map, does it look realistic (for the Normandy area) are there any flaws in it?
June 26, 2001
The Seigfreid Line
October, 1944
U.S. 1st Division meets stiff resistance at the Seigfreid line.
June 26, 2001
June 8th, 1944
he lead elements of the Canadian Scotish Division advancing towards Caen are counter attacked by the newly arrived 12 SS Panzer Division near the village of Putot-en-Bessin on June 8, 1944.
June 21, 2001
July 39,1944
Advancing from Quarry hill on July 30,1944 British infantry supported by Churchill tanks encounter a new German weapon.
June 21, 2001
June 10,1944
This scenario recreates the fictional stand of Captain Miller based the movie Saving Private Ryan. The scenario continues beyond the movie as the battle continues.
June 21, 2001
December 1944
First attempt to close the pocket on the KG Peiper in the city of La Gleize. (from ASL "KP Peiper")
June 12, 2001
December 1944
Last stand of the surrounded KG Peiper in the city of La Gleize. (from ASL "KG Peiper")-----Best played as Allies
June 12, 2001
December 1944
Us paratroops assault KG Peiper bridgehead on Ambleve river (from ASL "KG Peiper")-----Best played as Allies
June 12, 2001
June 1944 Epson offensive, fight for the "Scottish corridor" (from CH "Scotland the brave I and II")
June 12, 2001
August, 1945
German Panzer Division tries to capture a crossroads in northern France.
June 11, 2001
May 1945
The first use of the dreaded 88 against tanks in WW2. Rommel's 7th Panzer Division defends.
June 11, 2001
August, 1945
Just for fun battle, tries to recreat the battle of Antieam. Also known as Sharpsburg in the south. Try and capture Dunker church and send Stonewall Jackson packing.
June 11, 2001
German defenders desperately try to hold off Allied attackers long enough to evacuate across the Rhine. The scenario is called Gotterdammerung and is best played as the allies first. I am happy with the map which is based on a real streetmap but would like to have feedback on play balance issues.
June 11, 2001
March 1945
As a result of Hitlers "No Retreat" policy, an organized pocket of fallshimjagers find themselves cutt off on the west bank of the Rhine river. American rangers have been sent in to bust them up, and capture the hamlet that threatens the local tiver crossing. Design Notes: Play this scenarios vs. friend, or ass allies vs. AI. Game mechanics will not allow play as Germans vs. AI.
May 27th, 2001