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Blue Seed is a supernatural anime based on the manga series by Yuzo Takada that aired in Japan from 10/05/1994 to 03/29/1995. It is available both in both subbed and dubbed format through A.D. Vision in either 13 VHS volumes or 4 DVDs.

Blue Seed is a story about a young girl named Momiji Fujimiya who has the power to stop an ancient, monstrous plant race known as the Aragami from taking over Japan. Momiji comes from a line of princesses called the Kushinada and her blood has a mysterious power that causes the Aragami to go into a state of hibernation. For this reason, some think that Momiji should be sacrificed for the good of Japan. Meanwhile, the Aragami themselves are keen to kill Momiji while she is within a special ceramic field that will nullify the effects of her blood, thus destroying the Kushinada bloodline and giving them free reign over the earth. The story draws heavily from the Kushinada legend.

The series follows Momiji and the members of the TAC as they track down and exterminate the Aragami and gradually uncover the monsters' plan for domination. Things liven up when a second Kushinada--Momiji's twin sister, who was thought to be dead--arrives on the scene with an agenda of her own.

In addition to the 26 episodes of the television series there is also a two episode special (Blue Seed 1.5, which is unreleased in the US), and a 3-part OVA series called Blue Seed 2 (released in the US as Blue Seed: Beyond).