Unbridled pt. 2/?
Pairings: BFRK
Rating:: NC17 BDSM
Disclaimer: Don't belong to me.. Belong to Alliance... One can always hope.
AU Ray is probably a little younger than on DS

Ray breathed in the aroma of hay, horses, and his own sweat. This was where he belonged, not at the big house sitting at the dining room table polishing silver. Although he had to admit to himself that he had enjoyed toying with Master Fraser. As Ray polished The bridle in his hands, he remembered the feeling of power he experienced when Fraser watched him polishing the silver. A sly smile spread across his face as he remembered his Master's reactions. The smile broadened when he thought of the probable consequences of his actions. He could almost feel the kiss of Master's riding crop on his bottom. Ray was so involved in his fantasies that he neither saw nor heard Master Fraser approaching. Ray jumped as a hand rather roughly grasped his shoulder. He pulled his head back and looked lovingly into Master Fraser's steely eyes. For once Ray found no solace there. He struggled vainly as he was pushed forward and held bent forward at the waist. Master Fraser pulled Ray's right arm backward. Then he pulled Ray up and hissed in his ear: "You will regret toying with me , boy."

Ray stammered: "Never. I..I.."

"I have not given you permission to speak." Master Fraser purred threateningly as he turned Ray towards him and ripped the buttons off his shirt. Fraser pulled off first one sleeve then the other. He threw the shirt into the corner. Ray was dragged over to the stall divider where he was unceremoniously dumped over the side of the divider. One strong arm held him there while Master Fraser pulled Ray's right arm out to the side and secured it to the railing with rope. Ray struggled vainly. This rough treatment was not what he bargained for. Usually Master Fraser was very solicitous of his well being and only did as much as Ray desired. Ray realized with a sinking heart that he was at Fraser's mercy and mercy seemed the last thing he could expect. His other arm was similarly secured.. Master Fraser reached around Ray and unfastened his breeches . He then drew them down below Ray's knees Then he ran his hands over Ray's all too vulnerable flesh. Ray moans piteously.

Master Fraser stated:" I think I'll start with the crop and depending upon your behavior see where I'll go from there."

The riding crop hissed through the air. Ray flinched involuntarily, even though the only thing that touched his body was air. The next stroke caught him on the buttocks and he stifled a scream. The following stroke landed on his back. The blows rained down ; there was no pattern. Suddenly the blows stopped. Ray felt his Master's hands gently flicker over his abused body. Ray felt a shudder pass through Master Fraser's body and a cool drop of liquid fell onto his back. More d rops followed. His Master was crying.. Ray raised his head and turned toward his Master. He started to say something when Fraser placed a finger to his lips. Fraser murmured: "Hush, it's over. I'm so...."

Ray spat out: "Don't you dare apologize. I goaded you into this. We both know that. I wanted you to discipline me. I need to know that you still care. After your wedding I need to know that you and I will..."

Master Fraser hastily undid the ropes binding Ray to the divider. He covered the back of Ray's neck with kisses. "Never doubt my love."

He gently lifted Ray and carried him to a cot in a small room near the stalls. Fraser carefully positioned Ray on his stomach so that he could attend to Ray's injuries. He reached into a drawer of a small table by the cot and drew out a tin of salve he had concocted from local flora with just a little fauna thrown in for good measure. It smelled putrid, but to Ray's credit, he hardly complained at all. Both he and Master Fraser viewed it as a form of claiming. Ray was being marked with his Master's scent and that was fine with Ray. Plus other people had a tendency to avoid him and that was also fine with Ray.

After Ray's injuries were attended to by Fraser, Ray raised himself up on his elbows so that he could see Fraser's face. He reached out his hand and traced the pattern of tears on Master Fraser's face. Fraser breathed in deeply and in one motion both turned and lifted Ray's body into his arms. He carefully hugged the wiry body to himself. Ray looked once again into those steely eyes that now glowed with caring and love. Ray began to once again apologize for his behavior: "I'm sorry I am such a trial to you. I will try not to be in future."

Master Fraser once again hushed Ray. "I no more desire to tame you than you can tame that unruly blond hair. " He ruffled Ray's hair playfully.

Ray stubbornly stated: "But I need to---your marriage to Miss Thatcher, surely that will change everything. " Fraser pointedly stated: " Nothing need change. Because of my responsibilities, I need to provide an heir for my properties. Miss Thatcher will be the mother of that heir. Miss Thatcher may have a part of my body, but you sweet Ray have the rest of me. My heart and my soul belong only to you and they always will. "

This time I need the Pepto-Bismol and if the fainting couch is free I could probably use that too.

"To him who sees, nothing is profane." Cheat Lake Friary