scary pumpkin
flying bat

Frankenschnauz and Nickenstitch pic

Most everyone knows the story of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but there is a lesser known tale that is more prevelant among the schnauzers than the 2-legged's. Schnauzers love to tell the Frankenschnauz story to their young pups especially at Halloween time. Many schnauzers claim the that Mary Shelley's book on Frankenstein was loosely based on the true story of Dr. Rudy Frankenschnauz.

The story dates back to around the turn of the 19th century in a small town called Schnauzavania where the renowned Dr. Rudy Frankenschnauz had devised a formula for the perfect dog breed. Frankenschnauz had long pondered creating the perfect dog, and since he knew nothing about breeding he decided to take a scientific approach. His formula consisted of the brains of a schnauzer, strength of a bulldog with a pinch of dalmation for high energy capacity and a dash of poodle for a touch of class.

Some schnauzers laughed and called him a mad doctor saying it couldn't be done. But Frankenschnauz never gave up and on October 31, 1825 he finally breathed life into his creation. One small mistake he did make though was he should have hired a skilled seamstress to help piece his creation together. Frankenschnauz call his creation Nickenstitch.

Frankenschnauz was very disappointed that his creation was never really accepted, so he and his perfect companion went into total seclusion. The later years of Frankenschnauz's life were spent entirely in his laboratory. He made many great contributions to medical science. Sad to say he never received any recognition for his work. According to the schnauzers Dr. Frankenschnauz was the one who originally discovered penicillin. It was over 100 years later a 2-legged named Fleming stumbled across Frankenschnauz's memoirs and went on to claim fame for discovering penicillin.

By the way, all though the good Doctor left this earth over 150 years ago, they say Nickenstitch is immortal and is still out there. He particularly likes to go Halloween trick-or-treating so if you see him at your door be sure to fill his bag with Milk-Bones. Oh... yes we almost forgot you might want to hide if you're a 4-legged sometimes he is just looking for some spare parts.

halloween line


NR film logo

Screen play written by Rudy

Directed by Nick

Music by Johann Sebastian Bach

Dr. Rudy Frankenschnauz
Extra body parts

Nick's makeup
Rudy's Custom
Rudy's Hairstylist
Camera operation
Technical consultant

Internet Doggie Extras

N&R's webslave
N&R's webslave
Dune King
N&R's tallest 2-legged
N&R's tallest 2-legged
Internet Doggie Extras

Special thanks to Paragon's Haunted Web Page and The Ultimate Halloween Page for Halloween graphics, music and fonts.

No actual animal were maimed or injured during the creation of this page.

© 1997-2000 Nick & Rudy


<BGSOUND SRC="hwbach.mid" loop=2>

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