Nick & Rudy Do Hollywood!!


Well we knew it was just a matter of time before the hound dogs went on to pursue something really big. And since they live only a hop and a skip away from tinsel town, well off to Hollywood they went.

And boy did Nick & Rudy take Hollywood by storm! This town has not seen anything like it since Rin-Tin-Tin. They became on overnight success story and have been since hob-nobbing around with all the Hollywood high mucky-mucks. Rumors are that they are working on a big movie deal more spectular than Gone with the Wind, but Rudy has been holding out as he will only sign on if Michelle Pfeiffer plays the leading lady. So be sure and look for Nick & Rudy coming to theaters all over this coming Spring!

Who knows whats next for the boys... Broadway perhaps? Where does one go after becoming a megastar?

Hollywood Hills spacer All over the Los Angeles area billboards of Angelyne are being replaced by images of Nick & Rudy. The world's largest billboard ever was erected over looking the Hollywood Hills so Nick & Rudy can be seen as far away as Tijauna.

Nick and Rudy with the Stars spacer

Nick and Rudy seen hob-nobbing with the big stars as they attend their movie premiere of The Tail of Frankenschnauz.

Nick&Rudy's Star on walk of frame spacer

Nick & Rudy get their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As Hollywood recognizes the fine contribution to film industry that Nick & Rudy have made.

Mann's Chinese Theatre spacer
A gigantic poster of Nick & Rudy graces the Mann's theatre entrance for the ceremony of the unvailing of the Nick & Rudy paw prints. Th boys made history being the first canine ever to get their paw prints at the Mann's Chinese Theatre, neither Lassie nor Rin-Tin-Tin received such honors!

cement prints at Mann's Theatre spacer
Nick&Rudy laughing spacer Nick & Rudy pictured here yucking it up after they had Sophie Loren's square removed from the Mann's theatre to make room for theirs. Rudy was quoted as saying "I'm not putting my paws in any cement unless our square is next to Marilyn's". (Rudy is quite a fan of Marilyn Monroe).

© 1997-2000 Nick & Rudy


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