All about Rudy

rudy photo2

My Background

My name is Rudy that's me in the picture, Mama's idea of a nature shot, yeah like you're gonna find schnauzers in the wild. I don't have any baby pictures like Nick and I can't tell you how old I am (although I think I'm probably at the age where I'd wanna lie about it). I was what they call an "owner released dog"... in other words I was dumped. But I found a new home and got a new name. My name was "Charlie", but one of my humans already had that name and refused to change. Didn't bother me though, I got plenty of milkbones to learn my new name. (We dogs will come to any name if there's a milkbone in the deal). I've been living with my two humans and Nick for about 2 years, I like it here, so I think I'll stay.

If you're laughing at my ears out there stop it, I'm very sensitive you know. Everyone always says "oh what cute little ears he has", well the vet said I must have gotten a deal on the ear job, cause they did a butcher job on them when they cropped them. That's ok, I like floppy ears, now I just have petite floppy ears. I can make my ears stand up or lay down, or have one ear up and the other down! They are kind of fun ears now.  In fact because my ears are soooo cool that I was recently made a member of the One Ear Up Club!!

My New Life

Its always such a pain breaking in new owners, but I think I almost got them trained. If any of you out there knows how to train humans to give milkbones on demand, please email me I could use some tips. Also, I'm not sure I understand my humans, Mama bought some big floor pillows just for me... what's up with that, we have a nice new couch thats much more comfortable to sit on.

I had to make other adjustments too. For instance, I really miss having a doorbell, now I only get to bark at TV doorbells. My first experience with the doggie door was pretty scary too.... I couldn't figure how that gush darn thing worked, must have been invented by a human. Then I had to figure out which bowl was mine and which bowl was Nick's (that Nick can be a little possesive with his food bowl), now I got it, mines is the blue one, Nick's is the tan one and the brown one is the community property water bowl!

I had my job cut out for me when I first moved here, do you know how much work it is to mark every telephone pole on your block. I've pretty much got everything smelling like Rudy now! Mama and I went to dog class, everytime we had "play time" (off leach in the fenced in area), the instructor would say "pick up your stuff here comes Rudy". I showed all the other dogs how I could back up to a tree and poop standing on my front paws (hind legs braced against the tree... its a neat trick!) The instructor told the whole class it was the "highest form of marking" she had never seen it before but had read about it. All the other humans laughed, Mama was embarrassed, but I was so proud, I was the only dog in class that could poop while doing a handstand! Warning do not try this at home you four legged creatures (for that matter you two legged creatures shouldn't try it either)!

I guess me and Nick have taught each other a few lessons. For instance I never knew the importance of barking like a maniac whenever ya see a cat, now I think I understand. Also Nick never knew he was suppose to be marking all them telephone poles. Honestly how can a guy live in a neighborhood for seven years without marking any of the telephone pole. Well I've got him trained now although he can't lift his leg because of his bad back, he does make a nice little a puddle at the base of the pole!

My Ambition

Well.... my motto is "leave no telephone pole unmarked", I try very hard to live up to it.

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My Likes

bone bulletBreaking in new furniture
bone bulletJumping on and off the bed at 3:00 a.m.
bone bulletTalking to the dog next door
bone bulletLong naps
bone bulletCar rides
bone bulletLong walks with lots of telephone poles
bone bulletLittle lady schnauz's

My Dislikes

bone bulletMailman
bone bulletBathes
bone bulletGetting a hair cut
bone bulletGetting kicked off the couch

© 1997-2000 Nick & Rudy


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