Rudy's Summer Movie Reviews

Rudy Zorro

I thought I'd try something new and do some movie reviews... why not the Rude dog certainly has his opinions. Maybe you can tell by the music and my cool outfit that my summer movie pic is ZORRO. Here's this very handsome latin robin-hood type guy that wins the ladies (now what lady could say no to Antonio Banderas), can swing a mean sword, crack a whip pretty good and on top of all that gets to wear a really cool outfit. Makes a bearded guy kind of envious. So to ZORRO the Rude Dog says two paws up!

Now on that movie with the overgrown lizard that can't stand up straight Rude Dog says well... I should have saved my eight bucks and bought some Milk-Bones instead. Godzilla is all about this big clumsy ugly guy that just goes around stomping on everything and making a big mess and then he goes off and has a lot of little clumsy ugly babies. Truely the scarest thing about the movie was imagining the size of the pooper scooper needed to cleanup after this guy! Of course all through the movie my main thought was that Godzilla was one guy who should have definitely had his tail docked.... cause when he wagged it he broke more than just the living room lamp! Heck if me and Nick made half the mess this guy did we'd get our Milk-Bone supply cut off for life! Talk about needing obedience training geez! I do give Godzilla points for carrying a public service message on the importance of spaying/neutering pets to prevent those huge unwanted litter. And of course the biggest plus to this movie, is after 40 years of waiting... we finally get to see the lips in sync with the audio.

Thats all from the Rude Dog... see you at the movies!

© 1997-2000 Nick & Rudy
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