I am Schwa is the Law!!!

Cybernet Park
The Marble Gardens
The Jungles
The Ice Caverns
King Rool's Stronghold
The Oasis of Sandsa

Hello... You, my minions, will refer to me as Schwa. I have many names... my REAL name is, quotation "Aspie" Hunter Addison "Schwa" Schweitzer-Whitson, but nobody who has called me that is still alive... My forms are all mysterious enough, I hope... Schwa the Warrior (a swordfighter using the meteoric sword Silver Thunder), Schwa the Pokemon Trainer (with 14 Pokemon which are constantly rotated, Sparky the Raichu is his favorite), Schwa the Master of the Strange and Unusual (a detective in the business of the supernatural), and Schwa the Psi Warrior (an embodiment of Good infused with the Living Assets, Virtue, Respect and Honor) are my forms. In my spare time, when I am not battling a demon or a Pokemon Trainer, I hack ROMs, write stories, and program games. I am 18 years of age, not a remarkably high title considering my abilities of storm and light.

Here I have 2 Bios for you-- one is the Bio I use when asked... the other is INSIDE INFORMATION between you and I. I trust you... until you give me a reason not to... Muhuhuhahaha...

Generic Bio:

I was diagnosed with Autism (that is to say, Asperger's Syndrome... yes yes, I AM an Aspie, lol) at about 7 or 8 years old, I believe... I might have been 6... Anyway, my school years were Hell up until 7th Grade, which is when I began to turn my life around. Thanks to strict teachers, medicine, and a lot of life lessons that I for some reason actually started paying attention to, I packed my bags and left the residence of my own mind, "came outside of my bubble", and became a mature person. I'll never NOT have Autism, but I least now when something comes up I have a fighting chance to overcome it. I'm 18, enjoy ANYTHING creative, and someday want to work for Nintendo then later go into SpEd teaching. (I respect SpEd teachers because they have all given me so much help.)

"True" Bio: (Hold on to your hat!)

My name is Schwa... I am of an unknown origin, but I remember my life pretty far back. I have almost always fended for myself and even for others, save for when I was very young... I've always known Magic abilities, Psi to an extent, and how to spin and wield a quarterstaff in case the others fail, and along my life journey I have learned some other skills. Here is my story...

I was born in some unknown place... I never knew my parents, but some dark and mysterious Valkian (the Valki are a rare species of elf) took me on his travels and took care of me. Eventually, when I was 4, we came to the Valley of Light and Dark... and I lived there for a long time. After the first year, when I was 5, the Valkian left on his travels again and I stayed behind. Hey, at 5 years old, anyone could take care of themselves-- unless you're a human, that is... but I'm glad I've never found out if I was or not. The Valley of Light and Dark is a pretty interesting place-- throughout the valley are portals that allow you to travel between the Good and Evil versions of the land. The picture behind this text is the Good Valley, and the Evil Valley is like this only it's a dark wasteland. Not everyone in the Evil Valley is evil, just like not everyone in the Good Valley is good. My best friend actually lived in the Evil Valley. Anyway, for 3 years I lived in this place, by the cove in the Good Valley. It was a 1 mile walk to the nearest Portal, and I would walk there many times to see my best friend.

Grogathrog Bonehammer, the Ogre Warrior. Bright olive skin and brown hair? Now THAT'S an Ogre!When I was 7 years old, I met the devious Grogathrog Bonehammer, an evil Ogre Shamanistic Warrior... I mean the guy had friggin' runes all over him and a runed weapon-- it had to be some kind of shaman thing. But this guy was strong. Worse, I overheard him say he was going to attack a Valkian tribe, so I set out to stop him with my own skills. I chased him to his stronghold, and we fought a great battle on the rooftop. I was winning until he summoned a Barrier, then I couldn't touch him... It took work, but I was finally able to paralyze him with his shield still on, then charge up for 30 seconds to bring forth Astrodimensional Convextion, which crushed his shield. Then I was able to finish him off with Golden Fire. I was at low HP when I won, but a victory is a victory. But then what happens? Bonehammer escapes via a bamboo helicopter! For 5 years, he and I were at war. I constantly chased him down to his fortresses, and he occasionally chased me into my territories. We fought a lot, until when I was 12, a new character appeared and we were forced to cooperate...

King Rool, a tubby humanoid crocodile. He is Donkey Kong's adversary. He's probably only a 'king' 'cause of his crown.King Rool had recently lost a battle with his arch rival, Donkey Kong I believe it was, but I've never met him... Anyway, Rool joined forces with Bonehammer to beat me up, then moments after defeating me turned on Bonehammer and finished him off, him being already pretty bruised from our own fight. Rool managed to beat both of us, then he took all our treasures and retreated to his Tropical Island base to the southwest. So, that day while I was 12 years old, I teamed up with my old foe, and we formed an alliance. Our mission was to defeat King Rool, but we couldn't do it alone. We needed a little help first, so we decided to head to a place with lots of technology and do some research.

Cyber Track Zone, hexagon lights on metal floor with colored lined in backgroundCybernet Park. This was the most technologically advanced place around. Bonehammer and I headed into this place, looking a little odd among the citizens here because it was clear we weren't from around here. Bonehammer immediately loved the gabling casinos and spent the first day there. Meanwhile, I thought, "Bah, he deserves a bit of fun. For me, all I want is revenge on King Rool." So I got to work by looking on something called the Internet for anyone who may be willing to help us. The funny thing about the Internet is that it is a physical place in Cyberspace that is supposed to connect all computers in existence. So I transferred my physical body into a cyber form, thanks to modern technology, and started traveling around the Internet.

Spikey Virus from The MegaMan BN series. What is it, exactly--  a dinosaur or a dog? Sleek an' blue 'till the end, my friend.Shrimpy Virus from the MegaMan BN series. That's one CUTE shrimp! Deadly, though.I didn't count on there being viruses. Apparently viruses were physical creatures living on the Internet. On the right is a Shrimpy, a water Virus I tended to run into, on the left is displayed a Spikey, a fast fire Virus. There were MANY Viruses on the Net... Apparently nobody told me to come prepared. I was in big trouble, because I was attacked at every turn... I would have been done for if not for someone who came to my rescue, whose appearance I feel was not by coincidence...

Wind Angel. Although she looks like a harmless spirit girl, she's agile with holy-infused wind attacks. Her beauty simply captivates me. 0.oShe was admittedly the most beautiful creature I had ever seen... her picture is on the right. It was some kind of celestial creature, a spirit, Wind Angel, whatever you want to call her... (I like Wind Angel the best.) With one blast of holy, razor-sharp air, she slashed apart the three viruses that had cornered me, and shyly approached me. She almost ran away, and I really don't know why she didn't, but after a while of talking with each-other she actually learned my language and we became friends. I explained to her our dilemma with King Rool and she immediately offered her loyal assistance. She also asked me to give her a name, and I asked her what SHE would like me to call her... There was a silence, and suddenly she mentioned Wind Angel... I believe she read my thoughts, because at that exact moment I guess I was thinking Wind Angel. So now I just call her Angel.

*wavering voice* Mystical Spaaaaace Typhooooooooon! Slurp! (Believe it or not, this is a YuGiOh card.)But there was one small problem with Angel... or rather, her existence on the Net. As soon as we "jacked out", that is, transferred from data back into the Material Plane, Angel collapsed to a kneel-position and began fizzling like a hologram about to break up. Using some of the medical survival skills I've learned on my travels, I was able to keep her alive, but barely... In reality, Angel's body had been in Data form for so long, it had an almost permanent effect on her internal DNA structure, and her body was having an extremely difficult time adapting to the Material Plane after so long. Apparently, even though I had just met Angel, she had been in Cyberspace for much, much longer. I worried about what to do, as I had never been in a situation like this before and I didn't want my only real friend to die...

So, put simply, I replenished her soul. It was a very difficult and excruciating process... Using my power, I bonded my own spirit to hers, then drained my own Life Force to restore hers. I had to bond to her spirit directly rather than just a generic healing spell, because the problem wasn't an actual wound; it was her DNA reacting to being in the Material Plane. And since I used my own Life Force to heal her, as she grew strong again, I in turn grew weak. But for some reason, it felt unbelievably right to do this... Angel saved my life, now I save hers. Perfect trade. The spell took about 30 seconds in total, and by the end of it, she was in top condition again but I was barely hanging on. However, since my DNA was already compatible with the Material Plane, I knew it was only a matter of time before my stamina would return... thankfully...

C'mon, this is Marble Garden Zone for pete sake! I guess somebody needs to break out Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Woot!The next day, Angel, Bonehammer and I began heading towards the island base, which was a LONG ways away so we had quite a trip ahead of us. We headed up a mountain trail and soon reached a place called the Marble Gardens... According to legend, the first Marble Gardens exists only on the legendary Floating Island, but apparently there are smaller versions of it as well. So, our travels were going fine for the most part... We ran into a few beasts and baddies along the way, but using a combination of my arcane power, Angel's elemental power and Bonehammer's brute strength, the baddies were really no match for us. The hardest parts, actually, were the ledges and pillars. Some areas were separated by huge pits, and some areas still were blocked by super-sturdy marble pillars... We had to do some searching for the right tools, usually a blue top-shaped platform nearby... (Marble Garden has always been famous for 2 things; blue wheels, and blue tops. Play Sonic 3.)

Pokemon hybrids; a Scyther/Weedle mix, a Yanma/Spinarak mix, and a Vibrava/Aron mix. Miximons! But these sprites aren't mine. ;_;And these? Ohhhhh BOY, these guys were the most annoying leg of our journey so far. All throughout the second half of Marble Garden, we were repeatedly bombarded by these creatures, a.k.a. Miximons. They're Pokemon, but each is a hybrid of two completely different kinds. Weether, the green one, was ninja-like in speed AND poisonous like a Weedle... Spinima, the red one, bombarded us with countless shockwaves followed immediately by an annoying web... and Lairava, the grey one, summoned dust-devils to hinder us. Between my Psi, Angel's wind magic and Bonehammer's physical strength, we were just barely able to pull out of their territory on the other side of the mountain ruins before falling. Immediately we had to pitch a tent for the night, having lost so much Life Force (and Mana) during the journey.

Jungle scene, 2-bit graphics from Pitfall. Go, Harry, go! =PDexter, analysis NOW! ... Chansey, the 'Egg' Pokemon. ... Height: 3'7''. Weight: 76lbs.  ... A rare and elusive Pokemon that is said to bring happiness to those who manage to get it.So now we're in the jungle. I woke up a little before the others, and ventured a little ways out of our tent to check our surroundings. Before you know it, I find myself face to face with an actual Chansey. As I looked up and my eyes locked with Chansey's, my excitement level rose so that I could barely stand still... but one slight movement could frighten it away. After maybe a minute of motionless staring, Chansey walked up, slowly, until it was a foot away. "....Hi," I said, quietly. Thankfully, Chansey took it in a positive way. I talked to it kindly for a while, and Chansey just stood there peacefully, listening to everything I told it. Finally, I said I was going back to the tent to get breakfast, and what does it do? Chansey reaches down and takes the egg out of her pouch, offering it to me. I almost didn't take it, but since it was a gesture of rare friendship, I received her gift before going back to the tent. I never saw that Chansey again, but I'm glad someone was able to touch its life... and vice versa...

A guardian of forests using the power of the sun in his archery--  Marc, the Fire Ranger. Dig that bronze-gold torso plate and massive bow of his, woot.A Pandarean Brewmaster, an intelligent humanoid panda. This one in particular is a master ale concoctor. Warcraft III rocks.From that point on, it took a total of 2 days of traveling to get out of the jungle, and in that time frame we met two brilliant characters. Day one, on the left, we encountered Marc the Fire Ranger. Rangers are protectors of nature, usually archers with some abilities to summon beasts to their side and call upon nature to attack... Fire Rangers, therefore, are Rangers with fire abilities. Immediately after we met him, he offered to sell us some of his goods; from that encounter we added a Solar Fruit and three Javelins to our inventory, a healing item and a weapon respectively. The next day we encountered a Pandarean Brewmaster! Immediately after meeting HIM, he offered us some of his ale. Angel doesn't drink, and it looked too strong for me... but the next thing you know, Bonehammer has the whole keg in one hand and guzzles it all! I guess, traditionally, such a gesture is considered a compliment to the Pandareans, because he offered to join our party right away. "We need all the help we could get," was my exact quote, and our party size increased to four. (That day, Bonehammer was a REALLY good fighter, and I know for a fact it was the ale.)

The days passed, and it grew colder... MUCH colder, for, you see, we had entered a Tundra climate. That would most likely explain why it was so much colder! So, by consequence, as we traveled along, our stamina continuously dropped with each step. We ate pieces of the Chansey Egg and the Solar Fruit as we traveled, and by doing that we were able to trudge on, but it was a seemingly endless walk, and the fights against the native, ice-based enemies in this area (Orbinaut were encountered here; they're from Sonic the Hedgehog) plus the endless walking eventually took it's toll on us four... Before it was too late, though, we found a cavern to rest in, one that was sealed off from the frigid climate... Still cold, but not as, thankfully. The four of us took shelter inside for the night, and Brewmaster poured ale over some wood then blew fire at it, creating a campfire. I remember thinking what a useful yet crazy ability that was to have... Fire breath plus ale equals: Burn baby, burn!

Mystic Cave Zone. More familiar graphics, et wot? Damn, if you can't get THIS one I feel sorry for you.I guess Angel doesn't sleep or something, because she woke me up at about 5 in the morning, with that gentle, peaceful voice of hers, asking me to come to her. My first thought was, "She's a Siren in disguise? Great." But on second thought I knew Angel would never lure me into trouble of any kind, at least not on purpose, so I got up and followed her a ways... What she had discovered during the night was that this "small" cavern was in reality a huge underground network stretching miles under the earth! I asked her in shock, "Did you explore the ENTIRE cavern while we were asleep!?" She nodded. "No way!" Nodded again. And she had sincerity in her eyes, too. Can't argue with eyes, no sir... (I've learned in my travels that the way to find the true emotion of a character is to look in the eyes.) I dashed back to the group and woke them all up early, and we headed off. Angel knew the ENTIRE cavern structure, and this cavern probably went hundreds of miles in all directions, so how she did it I have no clue... but I was still glad, because we now had a guide to help us find the right path through the cave. Brewmaster kept a lantern lit the whole way so we could see, and Bonehammer and I did the fighting. We were a perfect team, and as we traveled south, it slowly got warmer and warmer, until we emerged from the cavern near the port town of Mirkiria. We all ate some of the Chansey Egg along the way. We were determined to slowly finish it off by the time we reached Rool's stronghold. It tasted... very succulent... whoa...

Did you know that these ice city graphics were ripped from the legendary SNES game Megaman 9?Mirkiria was also located in the Tundra region, but here it was only slightly chilly, not freezing ice. I was grateful, you betcha... The scene on the right is what I could see standing from a high building. We all split up to explore the city on our own, but Angel insisted on following me... By now I had figured she has a "thing" for me or something, but how could she if she's a spirit? Ah, doesn't matter... Anyway, she and I went to the rooftop of a large building and looked at the view, and we both found it enjoyable. The others? Bonehammer went to the casino again, and Brewmaster headed straight to the bar. I heard he immediately won an award for Best Ale or something like that, and immediately afterwards a fistfight broke out between an alcoholic and a biker inside the bar. Bonehammer hit it big at the casino... nailed the Jackpot twice when it came to the Wheel. As for Angel and I... We kinda had it harder, because people kept asking "what Angel was", and soon we had attracted a crowd, and that in turn made Angel cry... I suppose she's a "sensitive soul". ....Okay, that was bad....

King Rool's Water Fortress. And to think this was ripped from a first-person shooter PC game!The next day, we rented a boat and set sail for the last leg of our journey-- the crossing to King Rool's Stronghold. We were hungry along the way, and although the Guide for our trip offered to conjure up some tasty fish, I, being the leader of the group, insisted on finishing the Chansey Egg first. Why I did that, I don't really know, but the more of that Egg I ate, the more I wanted it... I began to suspect something was up with that Egg. (Actually, by this time I hadn't yet learned the nature of Chansey Eggs... more on this to come.) After around 45 minutes of sailing, the Water Fortress came into view... Look at the picture on the left. I mean, this thing was BIG! Not just big, but mighty and powerful as well. I asked the Guide, "Why is it that Rool's fortress is open to public access like this?" Guide's reply was, "Ah, 'e like da publicity, mon." Interesting... so he likes the publicity, does he? Well, one thing's for sure, I thought... He's gonna need to like a lot more than that, 'cuz we're gonna give him the fight of his life!

A neon sign of King Rool's head. Whomever's avatar this was on that Donkey Kong forum I found, thanks man. I owe you.Rool's fortress wasn't that bad of a hike in itself... The enemies were a bit hard to fight, because they were all burly humanoid crocodiles with various gadgets... but what Bonehammer didn't utterly crush, Brewmaster threw ale over before blowing fire into them, igniting them like a lit match over oil. Angel and I didn't get to do very much fighting, but we loved sneak-attacking the guards when we reached the outer balcony... At last, we reached the door that led to King Rool's lair, and by this time there was only a small amount of the Chansey Egg left... We each took a bite and it was all gone. Then we burst into his chambers! "Gah ha ha ha! Long time no see, losers!" Rool said in a maniacal accent. "Ready to tango?" We all took fighting stances and were ready to battle, when something didn't feel right... It felt like battling was the wrong thing to do, for some reason... I looked at my allies, and they all felt the same way. Rool was confused, too, because he didn't feel like fighting either. Later, he quoted, "Their presence wasn't hostile, for some reason... they had some kind of aura that spoke of positive emotions, not hostility." Well, nobody ever laid a mark on another guy, because we all called off the fight and forgave Rool for some weird, unknown reason, and the five of us sailed back to Mirkiria.

You will FEAR the almighty Chansey Egg! ...These things have a captivating effect on the consumer and prevent hostile emotions for several days. Very, very nutritious.THIS is what did it. See on the left? That night, I went to the public library and did some research on Chansey Eggs, feeling a little suspicious about what happened. There, in the textbook, it read, "Chansey Eggs and Blissey Eggs are known to cause unfailing positive emotions and characteristics in the one who eats it for many days straight." So THAT"S why we didn't feel like fighting! We had all eaten so much of the Chansey Egg, the effects got to us before we could begin the battle! But it was kinda too late to just say to Rool "The effects wore off, let's battle" months later, ya know? You just don't do that sort of thing. So our adventure had come to a close before we could even fight the "final boss", ending with four (or five if you count Rool) "Party members", all in good spirits, possibly reluctantly even. What a ride. And by this time my 13th Birthday was just around the corner, so I had to get moving soon. I decided the next day I'd set off.

We pretty much all went our separate ways from there. Bonehammer and Rool, having fought together nearly a year ago against me, decided to travel together from then on, and they headed southeast to another continent. Brewmaster went his own way, northwest this time, eager to sell his best brews of all time in the near future while on the road. As for Angel, she INSISTED to come along with me, and I thought, "Well, a companion isn't going to hurt..." so I let her come along, and she was very happy. We traveled straight north from there, determined to get to the city of Sandsa in 3 days, so we had time to celebrate my birthday. It would be tough going, but manageable.

Desert Palace Zone. Can't you tell I'm into Sonic 3?We got to Sandsa with only small difficulty, but it was kinda harder fighting foes without Bonehammer and Brewmaster's help... Once we reached Sandsa, it was pure bliss... It was a desert town in the shade of an oasis, built upon the oasis... and I decided to stop traveling and settle in for a year. Angel was happy, too, but then again she seemed happy with all my decisions... So we stayed at this town, and were happy. Occasionally I had to venture out and KO some baddies to regain gold, but that made it even better because I was not bored as there were some battles every once in a while.

Several small adventures happened up until now, but I won't go into them. You already know my history now, and that's good enough... but I WILL tell you what happened to Angel. She always stayed by my side, every day, until I finally asked her why... Immediately she said, "Do you love me?" I was shocked, but I've known her long enough for that to probably be true. So I said yes. "Really?" Yes, I replied. She was crying and smiling at the same time. She came closer, held me and gave me a long kiss, then went outside for some reason. I came out and watched, as a beam of silver light projected from the sky engulfed her and she began to rise into the heavens. "You have fulfilled my destiny!" she called to me. "I have obtained the love of a human after 300 years. Thank you!" "Where are you going?" I called back. "I am returning home to give birth to my child. Now that I have your love, a child is coming too! I will return when he or she is ready. Goodbye!" And she vanished into the sky. Great... As soon as I decide I'm in love with her, she disappears. I still haven't heard from her, too... But things are still well here, and they will be for a long time. Peace out, readers.

I hoped you liked my Bio... I like writing. But if you have ANY questions, comments or complaints, type it in below and hit Schwa's the Law! The text you typed will immediately be E-mailed to me and I'll reply to your E-mail. Type your question, comment or complaint in the form, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, that sort of thing. You probably need an E-mail address of your own to make it work. If your post is spammy or too short, I will NOT read it. So don't make it a 1-liner, be creative, be proper, and have fun! I will try and post all the "good" questions at the bottom of this page, so keep 'em coming! Here ya go...

The rest of my page is still under construction. But more will be here soon. Peace out, friends! --Schwa

1) Schwa is the Law
2) A Rainbow of Downloads
3) Return to West Side Island
4) The MetaSchwa
5) The Diary of Baltopuff
6) The Official Super Mario Bros. CHAOS CONTROL ***Sprite Comic***
7) Fairies, Dwarves and the Power of Diversity

Astro Man Midi:
-The Jayster

Palm Tree Panic Zone Backgrounds:
-Heavy Megatal

Ogre and Elemental:
-RPG Maker XP (recolored with the same program)

King Rool:

Cyber Track Zone:
-GeoPrower (www.resortisland.co.nr)

Shrimpy and Spikey Viruses:


Three Miximons:

Fire Emblem Sniper/
Fire Emblem Pirate (Page 3)
-Grim (unp.cjb.net) (Sniper recolored by Schwa)

Water Fortress (Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising):
-Nova Logic Co.

Neon King Rool:
-Some Donkey Kong Forum

Quartz Quadrant Good Future Midi (Japan):
-Jose' (edited by Schwa)

Zerg Queen: (Page 2)

Angel Island (GBA) Midi:

West Side Island: (Page 3)

Fire Emblem Portraits: (Page 3)

Crush Crawfish: (Page 3)

Pirate Man: (Page 3)

Final Fantasy 5 Sprites: (Page 3)
-?Unknown? (Recolored by Schwa)

Chaos: (Page 3)
-Ryu (Recolored by Schwa)

Midi-- Raphael the Raven (Paper Mario) Midi: (Page 4)
-Phillip Haynes

Rock Star Stage 1 (Kirby 64) Midi:

Baloo: (Page 5)
-Grim, ?Unknown?, and me, Schwa (Baloo's portrait is a Sprite Combo)

Shady Oasis: (Ragnarok Online) (Page 5)

Avatar's Ninja Rune: (Page 5)

Antlion: (Page 5)

Jungle: (Page 5)

Gizoid: (Page 5)
-ssn.sonicstadium.net (recolored by Schwa)

Gyroids: (Page 5)
-Me, Schwa, but with Jack Skellington's sprites as reference points

Bio Spark/Wham Bam Rock: (Page 5)