"Beyond"- "Mas Alla"

It's like clouds with
out sky
Starts its flight
the afternoon
There are no shadows, it isn't real
time has vanished
are no songs to be heard...
The sun burns up to its light
It's a town of ghosts
So much of this a
fternoon will drown,
will erase from my memories the morning

It's the deepest blue,
 my steps
the moon
What streets will see me
walk away my loneliness
I don't know if I know how to arrive
but I know how to leave,
pain doesn't veil the direction 
How to talk to you without speaking,
How to make the entire sea stay calm
from the sea?

Wind of an eternal summer
tangling the white thread
Blind-glow of January
knitting back the shroud
I come to be the salt, the stones,
to be born of waves and algae
I come to sun-rise!
to wake up the day

- lyrics by: Pedro Aznar

    Source: geocities.com/scoguitar