22 Feb '04


To make Scotland's commanders democratically accountable

Scotland's commanders are those who command or control Scotland's forces or forces in Scotland, either controlling force policy or having operational control over individual officers or employees.

Force officers may be armed or unarmed and do, either properly or improperly, act to fire upon, to kill, to injure, to arrest, to detain, to imprison, to remand, or to restrain persons. Such violent actions are typical in the courts, the police, the prisons, secure mental hospitals and the military; similar actions occasionally occur in other public institutions or the private sector. Commanders are held jointly responsible for the actions of their officers or employees; failure of discipline is no excuse for a commander.

Rosie Kane, protesting against being required to declare allegiance to Queen Elizabeth
But take a closer look at Rosie's palm and it is clear where her loyalty lies - to the people rather than to the Queen

The Scottish people demand and deserve commanders who are democratically accountable. The commanders should be directly elected by the people or directed by the elected representatives of the people. All of the people of Scotland are entitled to have their say about who should or should not command in Scotland or in Scotland's name.

Therefore it is the duty of a Scottish National Standard Bearer to ensure that elections and referendums are held freely and fairly and the results are respected and implemented; further, a Bearer has a duty to ensure that no commander becomes a law unto him/herself.

By demanding allegiance from Members of the Scottish Parliament, the Queen makes herself a political (and, possibly, a military) target

In particular and at present, a Scottish National Standard Bearer would assert the rights of the Scottish people and parliament when the likes of Queen Elizabeth and the royalist state attempt to overrule those rights. So a Bearer would have a duty to oppose any attempt to require persons elected to have to declare allegiance to the Queen before taking their seats as Members of the Scottish Parliament (click for royalist bullying rules).

Even if a majority of M.S.P.s are happy with the Queen, it is not democratic for the majority to threaten to deny the minority their rightful place in parliament (click for The Scotsman's report). A Bearer must stand for the rights of all the people, not just the rights of the majority. Democracy means government by all the people - it does not mean dictatorship by the majority.

Click here for: The constitutional rights of individual Scots. The limits to command authority
The constitutional rights of the Scottish people and parliament. The sovereignty of the people
Threats from within Scotland. The fascist police state. ___ Scottish Elections 1st May 2003
Police sadistic torturers ___ Arrogant and tyrannical judges
The freedom denied to the Scots by this Queen. The Constitution from Hell!
The functions and duties of a Scottish National Standard Bearer

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