19 Feb '04


Scottish Labour Failings

Well done to those 3 labour M.S.P.s who did not attend the Queen's address to parliament - their place in the Scottish Republican Roll of Honour is recorded. However, that only 3 out of the total of 50 labour M.S.P.s found socialist principles or excuse enough not to attend the Queen in parliament is clear proof of how this NEW Labour Party has betrayed ordinary people in favour of the rich and powerful in society. This is now no democratic socialist party in practice whatever the Labour Party constitution may say and whatever Jack "the knife" McConnell says at Scottish Labour conferences. The insincerity, hypocrisy and lies of Labour leaders are designed to keep easily fooled Labour members loyal to the leadership.
Jack the knife carrying the Queen's purse

The true position of Labour leaders can be clearly seen in their eagerness to demonstrate their loyalty to royalty and to the state and their willingness to betray the people. Dim-witted members of the Scottish Labour Party do not (wish to?) understand that McConnell is making fools of them when he carries the Queen's handbag (or "purse") or delivers a loyal address to the Queen in the Scottish Parliament. The betrayal of the 3rd June 2003 was a case of 47 Scottish Labour M.S.P. cowards flinching and traitors sneering at the sacrifice of socialist martyrs remembered in the words of the socialist anthem to the people's flag - the Red Flag.

In general terms, we are witnessing the capitulation of NEW Labour to the existing order - amounting to the Labour Party - the Labour Party - supporting the fascist police state under the Queen. Why on earth have Scottish Labour Party members worked so hard for so many years to get a Scottish Parliament and to get Labour candidates elected to that parliament only for those M.S.P.s to sell them out for nothing more an acceptance of the oppressive royalist status quo? HAVE THEY NO SELF-RESPECT?

Click to Helena Sheehan's Red Flag website

As a former member of the Labour Party that I took to be a democratic socialist party, it saddens me to see the Scottish NEW Labour Party fall into the hands of fascist thugs. Genuinely decent continuing members still cling to the belief that McConnell's Scottish NEW Labour Party is in some sense "for" ordinary people like them. Labour once was - I was, when I was a member of the Labour Party and I believe that many of my erstwhile comrades were.

New Labour will
not tolerate dissent

Now the Scottish NEW Labour Party has been reduced to little more than Jack "the knife" McConnell M.S.P.'s storm-troopers, with independent-minded, democratic and socialist voices within the Scottish Labour Party, expelled, sidelined or departed in disgust. Check out your own disgust at the Scottish Labour web site.

Keir Hardie must be turning in his grave. McConnell has pulled the same dirty trick as when Hitler convinced the German people that he, Hitler, was "for" them. Of course, as for Hitler, for McConnell, every political objective is inconsequential next to the accumulation of more and more arbitrary power for himself. Unlike Hitler however, McConnell seems devoid of a political programme beyond simply exterminating his political opponents. His very conservative political philosophy seems to be that people should "SHUT UP AND LIKE THE STATUS QUO OR ELSE YOU WILL BE MADE TO SHUT UP". New Labour? New Tories, more like.

<BGSOUND src="//acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/sounds/redflag.mid">

Music: The Red Flag tune

Click on the following: First Minister's Scottish Executive Failings
Scottish Liberal Democrat Failings ___ Queen Elizabeth's failings. Queen OR Country?
The freedoms denied to the Scots by this Queen. The Constitution from Hell!
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