21 Feb '04


Scottish Republican News
It is up to the Scottish people to decide if we keep or sack Queen Elizabeth, choose a new Scottish King or Queen, or opt for the better modern option of an elected President as head of state of a Scottish Republic.
Whilst the people do have the right to betray their own interests by foolishly sticking with Queen Elizabeth, any Scottish politician foolish enough to stand for that Queen must expect to be denounced as a betrayer of the people of Scotland. Looking as loyal as a lackey is not properly considered to be appropriate political leadership.
All of those M.S.P.s who so stupidly have welcomed Queen Elizabeth to address the Scottish Parliament on three occasions, standing loyally to attention and clapping politely, are an embarrassment to Scotland. Loyal to Queen Elizabeth, they are traitors to Scotland. However, they have been elected so the way to deal with their treason is to vote them out at the next election for the Scottish Parliament in 2007 (or perhaps before?).
Peter Dow protesting against the Queen. Click for a BBC report.

Peter Dow photographed for the BBC while protesting at the Queen's visit and address to the Scottish Parliament on the 3rd June 2003. The poster reads

by the Scots to
Queen Elizabeth!
Republicans say "Democracy: YES! Royalty: NO!"
Don't trust the royalist, fascist, state officers.
Elect a Scottish President!
Oppose the Queen's address to Parliament

PROTEST against yet another BETRAYAL of the Scottish People!
Traitor Queen accepted surrender of Scottish Parliament on 3rd June 2003

In the new parliament, there are now more M.S.P.s who are prepared to declare their republican preferences. Tragically for the Scottish people, Queen Elizabeth addressed the new Scottish parliament on the 3 June 2003. Regrettably republican M.S.P.s did not protest in the parliamentary chamber - such as, a noisy walk out just as the Queen rises to speak. Protesting in such a high profile way would, I am sure, begin to counteract the very destructive effect the Queen has on Scottish public life. As for so-called "republicans" who attended and listened politely to the Queen's address, they are so tactically inept as to be of little use to the republican cause.

Scottish Republican Roll of Honour
(Click for names, photos. & info.)
19 M.S.P.s did not attend the Queen's address - some openly protesting, some giving other reasons for not attending. Click here for full details of MSPs.

Click on the following: Queen OR Country? Elizabeth OR Scotland?
To report to the Scots when commanders fail their responsibilities
The freedom denied to the Scots by this Queen. The Constitution from Hell!
The Royal Disasters - the terrorist killer Queen _ Presiding Officers Failings
Poll on Queen OR Country? - Your say

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