RLDS Biography Page
Who Was Who
in RLDS History
Goodbye Geocities - It was fun for a long long time!

Content from this site is disappearing as it migrates over to  Cumorah Archive.

It will take quite a while for it a to reappear there. Some content will remain here until Geocites disappears on October 26, 2009
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Who was Who in RLDS History is a website dedicated to the many people who contributed to the history of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Here you will find biographical and bibliographical information about the ministers, politicians, authors, composers, and interesting characters who have been a part of this movement.
This site has no official association with the Community of Christ (RLDS)..  I have included links to sites from various religious traditions. This  includes a number of different restoration groups as well as some that are dedicated to convincing people to leave the restoration movement. Inclusion of these sites is only to provide access to biographical information and should neither been seen as approval or disapproval of any views or doctrines promulgated on them.

Scott Norwood                                                  last updated 6 Oct 01

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