Still More Photos!!!
Civil War combat simulation on the tabletop!
Scott Mingus, Jr. (Colonel Tom Hunt of the Orphan Brigade); Doug MacKay (Colonel Thompson), and Matt Braisted (Colonel Allen) of Breckinridge's staff plan their attack on the bluebellies at Baton Rouge
Scott Mingus, Sr. contemplates wiping out the planned 15mm CSA attack by resorting to a paintball gun
(Lincoln's new secret weapon! )
Overhead view of the action at Advance the Colors '99 - Barksdale and Semmes assault Birney's Division of III Corps in two long waves while Kershaw and others hit the Rose Woods.
Some of our 15mm American Revolution figures (painted by Mike White) --
Light Horse "Harry" Lee on the attack!
"They were exhausted by fatigue and want of sleep, yet their enthusiasm carried them well beyond all consideration of self, and made heroes of every officer and man"
-- USA General
Joseph Bartlett (VI Corps) in his Chancellorsville report.  

This also sums up a typical weekend at a wargaming convention - little sleep, lots of fatigue when over, but lots of enthusiasm and heroism in miniature!