I received e-mail from a fellow Scouter in Ontario.  She told me how her grandmother lived near Arrowe Park and had visited the 1929 Jamboree as a member of the Guiding movement. She contacted her grandmother in England and was sent the following photos along with this note.  Many thanks to Sandi Burns and her grandmother Margaret Hignett for sharing this great part of our Scouting history.

    70 years is a long way back to remember events and when getting on a bit the memory is dim, but I will do the best I can.  

    There was great excitement when we saw all those boys arriving in town.  There were hundreds of them, and of course being in the Guide movement, we felt part of it all.  

    I do remember the mud, the Jamboree was held in a lovely park "Arrowe Park",  green, green, grass but after a week of steady rain they became fields of ankle deep mud, it was awful, but the spirit of those boys and young men was tremendous.  The second week the sun shone and it was warm and it was lovely, us girls were able to visit and have a cup of tea at one of the camps and we did invite them to our home, just for a meal.  

    One tragedy blighted the otherwise wonderful occasion, a double decker bus carrying a full load of boys misjudged the height of a nearby road bridge and the top of the bus was sliced off.  I don't remember the full extent of the accident but there were some fatalities.  It was so very sad.  

    We were there to see all those boys departing to all corners of the world, leaving us with some very good and some very sad memories.  

    I have enclosed photographs of a couple of Guides and Rangers of the 1929 camp.  

Margaret Hignett

 Gran's Guide Group


 Scotish Scouts
 Play Time


Welsh Guides and Scouts
Indian Scout


Jamacian Scouts
Parade of Flags


A Watched Pot
A Wee Bit O Scotch



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