9th South Carolina Reserves
Jun 1862 - Jan 1863

Commanding Officers
Williams, James Henderson, Colonel

Staff Officers
Fuller, Anthony Cook, Lieutenant Colonel
Arnold, John W., Major
Holmes, W. F., Assistant Surgeon

Staff NonCommission Officers
Hunter, M. M., Sergeant

Company A - Captain James Hudgens - Laurens District

Company B - Captain W. J. M. Jones - Laurens District

Company C - Captain William Stewart - Laurens District

Company D - Captain B. S. Jones - Laurens District

Company E - Captain G. F. Mosely - Laurens District

Company F - Captain Josiah Stewart - Newberry District

Company G - Captain B. H. Martin ( Mathis )- District

Company H - Captain Jesse Campbell - District

Company I - Captain Benjamin Wofford - Spartanburg District

Company K - Captain J. R. Fuller - Beaufort District

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