Street Children of the
Did you know that the number of children in the world used for labor is greater than 250,000,000? That's number is almost as great as the population of the United States.
This site highlights the often hard life that children in impoverished countries must encounter each day. Children have very few oppurtunities in the third world. Many find themselves lacking basic needs for survival like food, let alone a decent education.
      Also higlighted in this site is how child labor is utilized in third world countries, where child labor is a cheap form of production,  and how this perpetuates poverty in those countries.
     Feel free to browse around, our contact information is located at the bottom.

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Links to the other parts of the site:
The Current Situation of Street Children in the World
The Situation of Street Children in the Past
Contact Information:
Steven Hong

Christie Penny

Erin Crede
How Child Labor Perpetuates Poverty in 3rd world Countries