Current Yahoo satellite image of Maine and the rest of the Northeast.
Marine Forecast for Eastport to Stonington.
Marine Forecast Stonington to Merrimack River, MA.
Shows and Expositions
Marine Resources and Information:
International Boston Seafood Show
Hynes Convention Center, Boston
Show Dates for 2003:
March 11-13, Tues-Thurs.
Maine State Department of Marine Resources.
Scallop landings 1950-2000.
Lobster landings 1950-2000.
Organizations and facilities:
Marine Institute, Newfoundland
General Aquaculture info
Sea Scallop-very detailed page discussing the biology, aquaculture, and marketing of the Giant Scallop.
American Academy of Underwater Sciences
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.
Their new and less confusing website.
Bigelow Laboratory
Last updated 24 May 2002..
Maine Harbors-A great site with tide info, webcams, and other marine information.
May 2002 Tide Chart for Stonington, Maine.
May 2002 Tide Chart for Belfast, Maine.
June 2002 - Stonington, Maine.
June 2002- Belfast, Maine.
Click here for Midcoast page and here for Downeast page.