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Gen. Edward Dorr Tracy, Jr.
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp 18
Macon, Georgia

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Georgia Division

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Southern Heritage Links & Suggested Reading 

The Sons of Confederate Veterans, as a non-profit heritage preservation organization, is non-political. Our duty is to assure that the true history of the South and the Confederate soldier is presented to future generations. Accordingly, these links are provided as a resource only. The SCV does not necessarily endorse all the views espoused by other organizations or individuals and is affiliated only with the Military Order of Stars & Bars . We cannot control the material posted on these websites but nevertheless want to offer this convenient list of links.  See also the Suggested reading list for greater background.

Southern Heritage Links || Research & Reference Links || Suggested Reading

Charge to the Sons Of Confederate Veterans

" To you Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the cause for which we fought; to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldiers' good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the south is presented to future generations ." 
    Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General, United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, 1906

Southern Heritage Links

Sons of Confederate Veterans National
SCV - Georgia Division - Camp Locator

SCV Camps :
Wiregrass Greys Camp #1683 - Adel, GA
Alexander H. Stephens Camp #98 - Americus, GA
Logan E. Bleckley Camp #1998 - Cochran, GA
John K. McNeill Camp #674 - Moultrie, GA
General A.H. Colquitt "Fire Eaters" Camp #1958 - Newton GA
Yancy Independents Camp #693- Sylvester, GA
W.D. Mitchell Camp #163 - Thomasville, GA
Lt. James T. Woodward Camp #1399 - Warner Robins, GA

United Daughters of the Confederacy

Heritage Preservation Association || Southern Initiative || ||The Southern Messenger

Confederate Secessionists


Bud Cranford's Confederate Site

League of the South ||Georgia League of the South

Fortress Dixie Links

Confederate Cause

SCV - Defending the Colors, Advancing the Colors

SCV - Constitution

SCV - Resolution Against Racial Supremacists & Flag Desecration

Confederate Society of America

Research & Reference Links

War for Southern Independence Links

War for Southern Independence

Internet Hoaxes - government site listing dozens of Internet hoaxes (viruses, taxes, schemes, etc.)

Georgia Historical Markers by County (UGA) - GA Civil War Markers

About Round Oak - Jones County Site of the Battle of Sunshine Church

Sherman's March Through Georgia (NPS)

Griswoldville Marker (UGA) || Griswoldville

Mapquest - Interactive maps online.  GA DOT Maps

Federalist Papers Search || U.S. Constitution || Amendments || Second Amendment database Search || Government Educational Links

The Constitution Society

Official Georgia Code Search

Bible Search

National Parks Service - Civil War Soldiers & Sailors (search by soldier name or unit)

Military Units of Georgia | Ken Jones Confederate Regimental History Links

Confederate Military Units | Camp Oglethorpe - Macon GA

Confederate Memorial Day in Georgia (UGA) || CMD in Macon (photo)

Confederate States Constitution  (from

Georgia Constitution Webpage (UGA)

Confederate States Info (from

"Civil" War Links

Cyndi's Link Lists - War for Southern Independence

Jefferson Davis Documents  || Rice University Links

LSU Links

Suggested Reading

Was Jefferson Davis Right?

by James Ronald Kennedy & Walter Donald Kennedy (Pelican Press)

War for What?

by Francis W. Springer (Nippert Publishing)

The South Was Right!

by James Ronald Kennedy & Walter Donald Kennedy (Pelican Press)

Federalist Papers [ searchable! ]

Declaration of Independence

U.S. Constitution | Amendments

Facts Historians Leave Out - A Confederate Primer

The Coming of the Glory

by John S. Tilley

The Antifederalist Papers
Edited with an Introduction by Morton Borden
Michigan State University Press, 1965

The Gray Fox - Robert E. Lee and his generals

by Burke Davis (Wings Books)

Footprints of a Regiment - A recollection of the 1st Georgia Regiment 1861-1865

by W.H. Andrews, 1st Sergeant, Company M (Longstreet Press)

Camp Fires of Georgia Troops, 1861-1865

by William S. Smelmund (Sharpsburg GA)

The Essential Thomas Jefferson

Edited, with an introduction, by John Gabriel Hunt

Robert E. Lee's Civil War

by Bevin Alexander (Adams Media Corp.)

The Living Lincoln - The Man, his mind, his times and the war he fought, reconstructed from his own writings

Edited by Paul M. Angle

Southern History of the War

by Edmund A. Pollard (Fairfax Press)

The Real Lincoln

by Charles L.C. Minor (Sprinkle Publications)

The Federal Government: Its True Nature & Character

by Apel P. Upshur (St. Thomas Press)

A Disquisition on Government

Discourses on the Constitution

by John C. Calhoun

The Gray Book

by Arthur H. Jennings

The Essential Calhoun

by Clyde N. Wilson

The American Ideal of 1776: The Twelve Basic American Principles

by Hamilton Abert Long (1976 Your Heritage Books, Inc.)

Lincoln Reconsidered : Essays on the Civil War Era

by David Herbert Donald (Vintage Books)

A Defense of Virginia and Through Her the South

by Rev. R. L. Dabney

Joseph Sobran - Slavery in Perspective

Thomas Sowell - Re-runs of ROOTS

Principles of Confederacy

by John Remington Graham

The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government

by Jefferson Davis

A Yankee Apology  - Article from Southern Partisan, Q2-1997


Is Davis A Traitor?

by Albert Taylor Bledsoe (1879 Advocate Publishing House, St. Louis)

The Slave Trade - The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440-1870

by Hugh Thomas (Simon & Schuster)

Georgia In the War

by Charles E. Jones (1865 Foote & Davies, Atlanta)

Confederate Military History - Georgia Volume

by Gen. John B. Gordon, edited by Gen. Clement A. Evans

Civil War Macon - The History of a Confederate City

by Richard W. Iobst, PhD (Mercer University Press 1999)

Sherman's Horsemen - Union Calvary Operations in the Atlanta Campaign

by David Evans (more about this book)

A Southern View of the Invasion of the Southern States

by Captain S.A. Ashe (Raleigh, N.C.)

Last Chance for Victory:
Robert E. Lee & the Getttysburg Campaign

by Bill Ward & Scott Bowden ( more about this book) 



Guns of the South by Harry Turtledove

How Few Remain by Harry Turtledove

Gods and Generals by Jeff Shaara [ ]
The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
The Last Full Measure by Jeff Shaara


under construction...


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