SCVCEBC Membership Information

Membership in the Santa Clara Valley Canary and Exotic Bird Club is on an annual basis. Regular membership for an individual or family is $25/year. Renewals are due by February 15 each year. New members first joining between July and October pay half price. Those joining in November or December will be considered paid through the following year. Junior membership for those under 16 is half price.

Membership benefits include the monthly newsletter, checkout priviliges from the club library, and voting rights in club elections. Members have not had to pay to attend the annual July BBQ most years, but this policy is decided each year and depends on the club finances.

There are two ways to join. You can print the membership application and mail it in with your check, or you can join and pay online!

Printable Membership Application

On-line Membership Application

Commerical Membership is $50.00 per year and provides the same benefits as family membership, as well as a business card ad in our monthly newsletter and a quarter-page ad in the annual show catalog. We will contact you in late summer for your show catalog ad, which can be upgraded to a larger size for an additional fee (credit will be given for the quarter page ad if upgraded.)

Printable Commercial Application

On-line Commercial Application

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