for those of you who are confused, here's what everything means
Angst - usually a depressing plot such as death, seperation, or rejection. In some cases an angst story may be about Duo's past or Heero's training. General bad feelings.

AU - Alternate Universe. A seperate universe from the original anime. Where the ppl being used from an anime by the author are put in selected prediciments which would more than likely never happen in the anime, even if the ppl writing it did have our imagination ^^. i.e., Gundam boys as normal human beings...school, teenage life, love(the two most difficult things man's ever hear dof O.o;)

Crossover - where characters from one anime interact with caracters from another anime

Deathfic - a character dies. If it's a deathfic and angst, it's usualy the main character or someone important

Humor - well, duh...buy a dictionary, dont make me write it :p

Incomplete - a fic is missing one part or more or sometimes missing part of a chapter

Lemon - nuthin' but hard-core sex! ^^ Very descriptive in nature hehe...what most of us fans crave

Lemon Aide - not lime, not lemon...sorta in between. It depends on the author's abilities when it comes to discribing sex.

Lime - like lemon, but not as discriptive. heavy kissing, make-out sessions...light sex sometimes

PWP - "Plot? What Plot?" sometimes nothing but sex with no point. Sometimes a spontaneus fic which has no connection to the anime

Romance - c'mon ppl, if you dont kno what this is, you need help. Drop me a line and I'll give you the number for Dorthea Dix.

Sap - sheesh, I'm surrounded.... Basic I love you, you love me, everybody loves everybody else

Self-Insert - where the author put him/herself in the fanfic. Most females do so to annoy the living shit out of the stuck-up females and chase after all the bishounen.

TWT - "Timeline? What's that?" A fics which has no ties to the happenings in the anime. A fic in a blank universe in which the time space continum doesn't exist.

Yaoi - males in love with other males. Kissing, touching, sleeping together.

Yuri - Females with other Females (they're capitalized. Females are better ^^)

1 = Heero
2 = Duo
3 = Trowa
4 = Quatre
5 = Wufei
6 = Zechs
9 = Noin
13 = Treize
U = Une
R = Relena
H = Hilde

If there's an X between the two number, that usualy infers to a sexual relationship between the two numbers.

for expample, a story labled 1x2 means that there is a sexual relationship between Heero and Duo. They either have sex or make out in the fic or there is a reference to them having sex or making out.

If there is a + between the two numbers, it's only a relationship. No sex between the two is mentioned throughout the entire fic.

ie, a fic labled:  "1x2, 3+4" means that Quatre and Trowa are a couple, but Heero and Duo have/have had sex in one form or another.

If there are two of the same number, it's always tied by an x and that character is masturbating on him/herself.
ie, 5x5. Wufei masturbating. These usualy come in Lemon Aide or Lemon.

BTW, thank you, Kasey-chan, for letting me use this page! I basically copied the html she used and stole it. But, she let me, so its alright! *grins, glomps her* tankie!