Assortment of brushes for cleaning feeders

Care and Cleaning of Feeders

Hummingbird systems are very sensitive to their environment so cleanliness is top priority!

  • Always clean feeders and storage jars using ONLY very hot water. Use only specially dedicated cloths and brushes, not the same ones you clean your dishes or pans with as they may contain grease or food residues.

  • DO NOT use any type of soap which can leave a residue that may be harmful and make birds sick. PLEASE DO NOT put feeders in the dishwasher!

  • If you need to really scrub a jar or feeder, use a baking soda paste or weak vinegar solution and rinse very thoroughly.

  • Be sure to clean off any black mold that you see in feeder ports, bee guards, and the screw threads, as that can be harmful. An old toothbrush or a cotton swab is useful for this.

  • There are specially-designed brushes and mops available for cleaning feeders (see below). Check your local bird store or garden center for these.

NOTE: Some manufacturers provide replacement parts for their feeders. Parts such as bottles, perches, bee guards and flower inserts can be replaced. You can check online or at a local retail store that sells feeders. I recently found replacement parts at our Wild Birds Unlimited store.

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