All About Me!

Hello! My name is Duggan Foster. I am 23 and live in Portland, OR.  Currently I am working for my parents, designing and updating their web sites (www. and  ( as well as their customers web sites, answering the phone, making appointments and dealing with customers   I really enjoy working with them, its a good time for us to spend time together.  But most of all because I understand them a lot more, why for all of those years they would come home from work and be so tired.  I have always appreciated them, but now its in a different way!

In my spare time I spend most of my time with my friends, going to Church, going swimming, watch TV and go to movies.  Church and my friends are a major part of my life.

I have been living on my own for just about two years.  I really enjoy living alone, although it does get lonely, so last November I got a cat, her name is Nikki.  Keep an eye out for pictures of her!  She's been a big addition to my life!

For the most part I've lived a pretty simple life, doing all the things that others my age did. Although, in October of 1993 I was diagnosed with a Craniopharyngioma, a pituitary tumor which had stunted my growth.  For more information on my surgery and recovery please see my page entitled "My Surgery"

UPDATE  March 2001  Not much new, I'm still working with my parents.  I guess the main thing is that I have lost a little of weight.  I've started to go to an Aqua-Aerobics class one to two times a week.  It sure wears me out, but its worth it! 

UPDATE  November  2000  Time again for another CAT Scan, and once again everything was OK, the doctors were very pleased.  They said I can wait 9-12 months before another Scan.  We are going to try something new, the Open MRI.

UPDATE  March 2000  Today I had a CAT Scan, as expected everything came out OK. They want me to have another one in approximately 6 months.

UPDATE  June 13, 1999  Today I spent my first night alone in MY apartment!!   It is pretty exciting, feels kind of weird not being at home with mom and dad, it pretty quite! 

UPDATE March 12, 1999  Today I went in for my 1 year CAT Scan!  It all came out clear and I now have a clean bill of health!  I am so excited! 

UPDATE July 9, 1998 Last month I had a MRI. I sent my scans to my doctors in California. After they reviewed them, the came to the conclusion    that they tumor has actually collapsed on itself. By taking all of the fluids         out, and letting it drain it has just collapsed! I am very happy with this news. Although I do know I have a possibility of it coming back sometime         in the future, it is all taken care of for now.

UPDATE March 5, 1998 I had another surgery. My tumor had come back! The attack plan for the surgery was: They first took several MRI  Scans, from this they reconstructed my brain on a computer. They then  proceeded to drill a hole down the side of my head, and from the     reconstructed image of my brain they slowly proceeded down navigating themselves to the tumor. When they got to the tumor they planed to stick a tiny pump into it and inject a liquid for of Chemo. Although a slight problem occurred, the surgeon went too far and punctured through the other end of the tumor. This may sound bad, but I have just found out that because he did that, it has caused the tumor to collapse on itself. My doctors are  watching it closely, but not too much to worry about!

Copyright © 1996 Duggan Foster,
This page was created and designed by Duggan Foster,

Created on 4-1-96
Most recent revision, 05/19/01

Please direct any questions,
comments, or suggestions,
to Duggan Foster